View Full Version : |Source| Source Efectos Estaticos/Dinamicos Blessed - Kapocha (1.04e)

04/01/2020, 04:31 PM
Descompilado de um Main S13
A base é feita pelo MyHeart e a descompilação dos efeitos feito pelo kapocha

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#pragma pack(push, 1)
#define pQuickPlayStaticEffect ((int(__cdecl*)(LPVOID Model, int ModelID, int Joint, float size, vec3_t Color, int ObjModel)) 0x565560)
#define pAllowPlayEffect ((void(__thiscall*)(LPVOID This, vec3_t Bone1, int lpModel, signed int joint, int a5)) 0x544E60)
#define pPlayStaticEffect ((int(__cdecl*)(int ModelID, vec3_t Bone1, float size, vec3_t Color, int ObjPos, float, int)) 0x771310)
#define pPlayDynamicEffect ((int(__cdecl*)(int ModelID, vec3_t VecPos, vec3_t WorlPos, vec3_t color, int effectID, float size, int)) 0x74CD30)
#define pSetItemEffect ((void(__cdecl*)(int lpModel, int ItemID, vec3_t Light, float Alpha, int ItemLevel, int NewOption, int a10, int a11, int RenderType)) 0x00609E70)
#define pModelThis ((LPVOID(*)())0x004CDA10)
#define pGetModel ((LPVOID(__thiscall*)(LPVOID This, signed int a2)) 0x00969C50)

struct DYNAMIC_EFFECT_INFO //(size: 132)
/*+0*/ bool Enable; //int
BYTE gap1[3];
/*+4*/ DWORD EffectID;
/*+8*/ DWORD TextureID;
/*+12*/ int SubEffectID;
/*+16*/ float Scale;
/*+20*/ VAngle VecPos;
/*+32*/ VAngle WorldPos;
/*+44*/ VAngle Color;
/*+56*/ float Unknown56; //Alpha
/*+60*/ DWORD Unknown60;
/*+64*/ ObjectModel * m_Owner;
/*+68*/ float Unknown68; //
/*+72*/ DWORD Unknown72;
/*+76*/ BYTE Unknown76; //int
BYTE Gap01[3];
/*+80*/ float Unknown80;
/*+84*/ VAngle Unknown84;
/*+96*/ VAngle Color2;
/*+108*/ VAngle VecPos2;
BYTE Gap02[12];

class cCreateEffect
void Load();
int DynamicEffectEx(DWORD ModelID, vec3_t VecPos, vec3_t WorldPos, vec3_t Color, int SubEffectID, float Scale, ObjectModel* lpModel);
extern cCreateEffect gCreateEffect;


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "Defines.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include "zzzMathLib.h"
#include "LargeRand.h"
#include "CreateEffect.h"
#include "Util.h"

cCreateEffect gCreateEffect;

float sub_4EC46D(float a1, float a2)
float v5;
float v2 = a2 * 0.01745f;
float v6 = (float)((int)(v2 * 1000.0f / a1 + timeGetTime()) % (int)(6283.185546875f / a1))* 0.001f * a1;

if (v6 >= 3.14f)
v5 = cosf(v6);
v5 = -cosf(v6);
return (float)((v5 + 1.0f) * 0.5f);

double sub_639050(float a1)
double result;

if (a1 >= 0.0)
result = a1;
result = -a1;
return result;

double sub_4E7B95(float a1)
return (float)sin(a1);

void CreateItemEffect(int lpModel, int ItemID, vec3_t Light, float Alpha, int ItemLevel, int NewOption, int a10, int a11, int RenderType)
pSetItemEffect(lpModel, ItemID, Light, Alpha, ItemLevel, NewOption, a10, a11, RenderType);

LPVOID Model = pGetModel(pModelThis(), ItemID);
vec3_t p;
vec3_t Bone;
vec3_t Color;
vec3_t WorldPos;

Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, p);
Vector(WorldPos[0], WorldPos[1], WorldPos[2], WorldPos);

switch (ItemID)
case ITEM2(0, 51): //Blessed Sword
float v234 = sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0);
float v1875 = v234 * 0.5 + 0.5;
Vector(v1875 * 0.4000000059604645, v1875 * 0.550000011920929, v1875 * 0.1500000059604645, Color);
for ( int i43 = 53; i43 < 129; ++i43 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, i43, 0.64999998, Color, lpModel);
float v237 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 15) / 37.5;
float v1879 = v237 + 0.5;
Vector(v1879, v1879, v1879, Color);
for ( int i44 = 4; i44 < 23; ++i44 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32229, i44, 0.30000001, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32229, 47, 0.30000001, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32229, 23, 0.30000001, Color, lpModel);
Vector(v1875 * 0.8500000238418579, v1875 * 0.1000000014901161, v1875 * 0.8999999761581421, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32229, 45, 0.80000001, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32229, 46, 0.80000001, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32229, 28, 0.80000001, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32229, 30, 0.80000001, Color, lpModel);
Vector(v1875 * 0.1500000059604645, v1875 * 0.1500000059604645, v1875 * 0.8999999761581421, Color);
int JointID1[] = { 27,32,29,43,34,40,37,35,25,41,42,44 };
int JointID2[] = { 34,40,36,38 };
for ( int i45 = 0; i45 < 12; ++i45 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID1[i45], 0.60000002, Color, lpModel);
for ( int i46 = 0; i46 < 4; ++i46 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID2[i46], 0.30000001, Color, lpModel);
if ( sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0) + 0.5 <= 1.0 )
float v1163 = 1.0;
float v1163 = sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0) + 0.5;
Vector(v1875 * 0.2000000029802322, v1875 * 0.300000011920929, v1875 * 1.0, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32114, 1, 1.4, Color, lpModel);

//if ( !sub_50C004(a7) && sub_46AD6B(&dword_A1EE820) != 5 ) <<<(Faltan esos offsets) S13 1.18.89
float ColorR[3] = { (int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11 * 0.1000000014901161 * v1875 + 0.699999988079071, (int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11 * 0.1000000014901161 * v1875 + 0.699999988079071, (int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11 * 0.1000000014901161 * v1875 + 0.699999988079071 };
ColorR[GetLargeRand() % 3] = 0.69999999f;
ColorR[GetLargeRand() % 3] = 1.0f;
pAllowPlayEffect(Model, Bone, lpModel, 27, 0);
float v240 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 1441) * 0.25;
pPlayStaticEffect(32805, Bone, 1.0, Color, lpModel, v240, 0);
pAllowPlayEffect(Model, Bone, lpModel, 32, 0);
float v241 = (double)(1440 - ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 1441) * 0.25);
pPlayStaticEffect(32805, Bone, 1.0, ColorR, lpModel, v241, 0);
pAllowPlayEffect(Model, Bone, lpModel, 1, 0);
WorldPos[0] = Bone[0] - WorldPos[0];
WorldPos[1] = Bone[1] - WorldPos[1];
WorldPos[2] = Bone[2] - WorldPos[2];
gCreateEffect.DynamicEffectEx(52379, Bone, WorldPos, ColorR, 6, 1.0f, &*(ObjectModel*)*(DWORD*)lpModel);

case ITEM2(5,49): //Blessed Staff
float v1158;
float v1159;
float v1700 = sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0) + 0.5;
Vector(v1700 * 1.0, v1700 * 0.8999999761581421, v1700 * 0.3499999940395355, Color);
int JointID1[] = { 75,79,80,82,87,88,89 };
for ( int l = 0; l < 7; ++l )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID1[l], 0.60000002, Color, lpModel);
for ( int m = 3; m < 18; ++m )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, m, 0.44999999, Color, lpModel);
for ( int n = 18; n < 46; ++n )
if ( n != 23 && n != 24 && n != 37 && n != 38 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, n, 0.44999999, Color, lpModel);
Vector(v1700 * 0.949999988079071, v1700 * 0.1000000014901161, v1700 * 1.0, Color);
int JointID2[] = { 77,78,90,91 };
for ( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ++ii )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID2[ii], 0.40000001, Color, lpModel);
int JointID3[] = { 73,74,81,84 };
for ( int jj = 0; jj < 4; ++jj )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID3[jj], 0.40000001, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 1, 1.2, Color, lpModel);
int JointID4[] = { 2,48,49,50 };
for ( int kk = 0; kk < 4; ++kk )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID4[kk], 0.40000001, Color, lpModel);
int JointID5[] = { 76,83,85,86 };
for ( int ll = 0; ll < 4; ++ll )
Vector(v1700 * 0.2000000029802322, v1700 * 0.2000000029802322, v1700 * 1.0, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID5[ll], 0.2, Color, lpModel);
Vector(v1700 * 1.0, v1700 * 1.0, v1700 * 1.0, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32229, JointID5[ll], 0.2, Color, lpModel);
Vector(v1700 * 0.2000000029802322, v1700 * 0.2000000029802322, v1700 * 1.0, Color);
int JointID6[] = { 90,78 };
for ( int mm = 0; mm < 2; ++mm )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID6[mm], 0.80000001, Color, lpModel);
Vector(v1700 * 0.2000000029802322, v1700 * 0.699999988079071, v1700 * 1.0, Color);
for ( int nn = 54; nn < 70; ++nn )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, nn, 0.40000001, Color, lpModel);
float v311 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 15) / 37.5;
v1700 = v311 + 0.5;
Vector(v1700 * 0.0, v1700 * 0.1000000014901161, v1700 * 1.0, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 51, 4.0, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 51, 3.5999999, Color, lpModel);
Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, Color);
float v1711 = ((int) (*(float*)0x5EF5A1C * 0.09000000357627869) % 90) * 0.01745329238474369;
float v312 = v1711 + 1.570796370506287;
float v313 = sub_4E7B95(v312);
float v1698 = sub_639050(v313);
float v314 = sub_4E7B95(v1711);
float v1712 = sub_639050(v314) * 0.800000011920929;
float v1701 = v1698 * 0.75;
float v1702 = v1698 * 0.4000000059604645;
float v1703 = v1698 * 1.0;
Vector((1.399999976158142 - v1712) * *(float *)&v1701, (1.399999976158142 - v1712) * v1702, (1.399999976158142 - v1712) * v1703, Color);
if ( v1712 - 0.2000000029802322 <= 0.0 )
v1159 = 0.0;
v1159 = v1712 - 0.2000000029802322;
float v315 = v1159;
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32614, 51, v315, Color, lpModel);
v1711 = ((int) (*(float*)0x5EF5A1C * 0.09000000357627869 + 30.0) % 90)
* 0.01745329238474369;
float v316 = sub_4E7B95(v1711);
v1712 = sub_639050(v316) * 0.800000011920929;
v1701 = v1698 * 0.75;
v1702 = v1698 * 0.4000000059604645;
v1703 = v1698 * 1.0;
Vector((1.399999976158142 - v1712) * *(float *)&v1701, (1.399999976158142 - v1712) * v1702, (1.399999976158142 - v1712) * v1703, Color);
if ( v1712 - 0.2000000029802322 <= 0.0 )
v1158 = 0.0;
v1158 = v1712 - 0.2000000029802322;
float v317 = v1158;
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32614, 51, v317, Color, lpModel);

//if ( !sub_50C004(a7) && sub_46AD6B(&dword_A1EE820) != 5 ) <<<(Faltan esos offsets) S13 1.18.89
//Falta Effect ID 18(32224), 20(32002) S13 1.18.89
//Vector(((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11) * 0.1000000014901161 + 0.4000000059604645, ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11) * 0.1000000014901161 + 0.4000000059604645, ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11) * 0.1000000014901161 + 0.4000000059604645, Color);
//if ( (int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 300 < 150 )
//pAllowPlayEffect(Model, Bone, lpModel, 51, 0);
//pPlayDynamicEffect(32224, Bone, WorldPos, Color, 18, 1.0, lpModel);
//float v323 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 10) * 0.05000000074505806 + 0.449999988079071;
//pPlayDynamicEffect(32002, Bone, WorldPos, Color, 20, v323, lpModel);
//gCreateEffect.DynamicEffectEx(52002, Bone, WorldPos, Color, 20, v323, &*(ObjectModel*)*(DWORD*)lpModel);
// }

case ITEM2(4,36): //Blessed Crossbow
float v1161;
float v269 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 15) / 37.5;
float v1792 = v269 + 0.5;
int JointID1[] = { 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 };
int JointID2[] = { 18,19,20,36,43,42,35,29,59,48,49,50 };
int JointID3[] = { 41,34,54,56,57,58,24,25,27,28,53,23 };
Vector( v1792 * 0.2000000029802322, v1792 * 0.300000011920929, v1792 * 1.0, Color);
for ( int i14 = 0; i14 < 7; ++i14 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID1[i14], 0.80000001, Color, lpModel);
for ( int i15 = 0; i15 < 12; ++i15 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID2[i15], 1.0, Color, lpModel);
for ( int i16 = 0; i16 < 12; ++i16 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID3[i16], 1.4000001, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 62, 3.0, Color, lpModel);
int JointID4[] = { 51,52,21,22 };
int JointID5[] = { 26,55 };
Vector( v1792 * 1.0, v1792 * 0.6499999761581421, v1792 * 0.2000000029802322, Color);
for ( int i17 = 0; i17 < 4; ++i17 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID4[i17], 1.2, Color, lpModel);
for ( int i18 = 0; i18 < 2; ++i18 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID5[i18], 1.8000001, Color, lpModel);
int JointID6[] = { 63,64 };
if ( sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0) * 0.5 + 0.5 >= 1.0 )
v1161 = 1.0;
v1161 = sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0) * 0.5 + 0.5;
float v1782 = v1161;
Vector( v1782 * 1.0, v1782 * 1.0, v1782 * 1.0, Color);
for ( int i19 = 0; i19 < 2; ++i19 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, JointID6[i19], 0.5, Color, lpModel);
pAllowPlayEffect(Model, Bone, lpModel, 62, 0);
WorldPos[0] = Bone[0] - WorldPos[0];
WorldPos[1] = Bone[1] - WorldPos[1];
WorldPos[2] = Bone[2] - WorldPos[2];
gCreateEffect.DynamicEffectEx(52229, Bone, WorldPos, Color, 6, 0.25f, &*(ObjectModel*)*(DWORD*)lpModel);
float v1781 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 360) * 0.25 * 0.01745329238474369;
float v1783 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 720) * 0.25 * 0.01745329238474369;
float v1802 = sub_4E7B95(v1781);
float v1774 = sub_4E7B95(v1783);
if ( v1774 < 0.0 )
v1774 = v1774 * -1.0;
float v277 = v1802 * 1.0 * 360.0;
float v278 = v1774 * 1.0 * 360.0;
Vector( 0.0, 0.1, v1774 * 1.0, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32271, Bone, 0.73000002, Color, lpModel, v277, 0);
Vector( v1802 * 1.0, 0.1, 0.0, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32271, Bone, 0.73000002, Color, lpModel, v278, 0);
Vector( 0.0, 0.1, v1774 * 1.0, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32271, Bone, 0.73000002, Color, lpModel, v277, 0);
Vector( v1802 * 1.0, 0.1, 0.0, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32271, Bone, 0.73000002, Color, lpModel, v278, 0);
Vector( 0.0, 0.1, v1774 * 1.0, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32271, Bone, 0.73000002, Color, lpModel, v277, 0);
Vector( v1802 * 1.0, 0.1, 0.0, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32271, Bone, 0.73000002, Color, lpModel, v278, 0);

case ITEM2(2, 25): //Blessed Scepter
float v1160;
float v1742 = sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0) + 0.5;
Vector( v1742 * 1.0, v1742 * 0.8999999761581421, v1742 * 0.3499999940395355, Color);
for ( int i35 = 26; i35 < 72; ++i35 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, i35, 0.2, Color, lpModel);
for ( int i36 = 4; i36 < 15; ++i36 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, i36, 0.5, Color, lpModel);
Vector( v1742 * 0.300000011920929, v1742 * 0.1000000014901161, v1742 * 1.0, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 16, 0.80000001, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 1.55, 0.2, Color, lpModel);
Vector( v1742 * 0.2000000029802322, v1742 * 0.2000000029802322, v1742 * 1.0, Color);
for ( int i37 = 20; i37 < 24; ++i37 )
float v1735 = 0.5;
if ( i37 == 22 || i37 == 23 )
v1735 = 1.0;
float v284 = v1735 + v1735;
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, i37, v284, Color, lpModel);
float v285 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 15) / 37.5;
v1742 = v285 + 0.5;
Vector( v1742 * 0.0, v1742 * 0.1000000014901161, v1742 * 1.0, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32118, 24, 1.0, Color, lpModel);
Vector( v1742 * 1.0, v1742 * 0.2000000029802322, v1742 * 0.699999988079071, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 24, 4.3000002, Color, lpModel);
Vector( v1742 * 0.4000000059604645, v1742 * 0.4000000059604645, v1742 * 1.0, Color);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 24, 3.3, Color, lpModel);

float v287 = sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0);
if ( v287 + 0.5 <= 1.0 )
v1160 = 1.0;
float v290 = sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0);
v1160 = v290 + 0.5;
pAllowPlayEffect(Model, Bone, lpModel, 24, 0);
v1742 = v1160;
int v292 = (int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11;
float ColorR[3] = { ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11) * 0.1000000014901161 * v1742 + 0.699999988079071, ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11) * 0.1000000014901161 * v1742 + 0.699999988079071, ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11) * 0.1000000014901161 * v1742 + 0.699999988079071 };
ColorR[GetLargeRand() % 3] = 0.69999999f;
ColorR[GetLargeRand() % 3] = 1.0f;
float v1746 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 11) * 0.07000000029802322 + 0.1000000014901161;
float v300 = v1746;
pPlayDynamicEffect(32805, Bone, WorldPos, ColorR, 0, v300, lpModel);
gCreateEffect.DynamicEffectEx(52379, Bone, WorldPos, ColorR, 6, 1.0f, &*(ObjectModel*)*(DWORD*)lpModel);
Vector( 0.30000001, 0.25, 1.0, Color);
for ( int i38 = 0; i38 < 3; ++i38 )
float v305 = v1746;
pPlayDynamicEffect(32394, Bone, WorldPos, Color, 0, v305 + 0.25f, lpModel);
float v308 = v1746;
pPlayDynamicEffect(32394, Bone, WorldPos, Color, 1, v308 + 0.25f, lpModel);

case ITEM2(5, 50): //Blessed Stick
float v1162;
float v244 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 15) / 37.5;
float v1847 = v244 + 0.5;
Vector( v1847 * 0.2000000029802322, v1847 * 0.6000000238418579, v1847 * 1.0, Color);
for ( int i1 = 12; i1 < 19; ++i1 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, i1, 1.6, Color, lpModel);
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32002, 8, 0.60000002, Color, lpModel);
float v1846 = sub_4EC46D(-4.0, 0.0) + 0.2000000029802322;
int JointID1[] = { 3,6,7,21,22,23 };
Vector( v1846 * 1.0, v1846 * 1.0, v1846 * 1.0, Color);
for ( int i2 = 0; i2 < 6; ++i2 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32431, JointID1[i2], 0.80000001, Color, lpModel);
int JointID2[] = { 1,2,4,5 };
for ( int i3 = 0; i3 < 4; ++i3 )
pQuickPlayStaticEffect(Model, 32231, JointID2[i3], 0.5, Color, lpModel);
Vector( v1847 * 0.0, v1847 * 0.1000000014901161, v1847 * 1.0, Color);
pAllowPlayEffect(Model, Bone, lpModel, 24, 0);
pPlayStaticEffect(32002, Bone, 3.7, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);
v1846 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 30 + 70) * 0.004999999888241291;
Vector( v1846 * 0.2000000029802322, v1846 * 0.2000000029802322, v1846 * 0.8999999761581421, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32131, Bone, 3.0, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);
pPlayStaticEffect(32131, Bone, 5.0, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);
pPlayStaticEffect(32115, Bone, 2.0, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);
float v246 = *(float*)0x5EF5A1C * 0.003000000026077032;
v1846 = (sub_4E7B95(v246) + 1.0) * 0.009999999776482582 + 0.5;
float v1842 = v1846 * 0.25;
float v1843 = v1846 * 0.4000000059604645;
float v1844 = v1846 * 1.0;
Vector( v1842 * 2.0, v1843 * 2.0, v1844 * 2.0, Color);
float v248 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 360);
float v249 = v1846 * 1.0;
pPlayStaticEffect(32140, Bone, v249, Color, lpModel, v248, 0);
float v1831 = ((int)( *(float*)0x5EF5A1C * 0.09000000357627869) % 90) * 0.01745329238474369;
float v250 = v1831 + 1.570796370506287;
float v251 = sub_4E7B95(v250);
float v1833 = sub_639050(v251);
float v252 = sub_4E7B95(v1831);
float v1849 = sub_639050(v252) * 0.800000011920929;
Vector( (1.399999976158142 - v1849) * v1842, (1.399999976158142 - v1849) * v1843, (1.399999976158142 - v1849) * v1844, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32140, Bone, v1849, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);
v1831 = ((int)( *(float*)0x5EF5A1C * 0.09000000357627869 + 30.0) % 90)
* 0.01745329238474369;
float v253 = sub_4E7B95(v1831);
v1849 = sub_639050(v253) * 0.800000011920929;
Vector( (1.399999976158142 - v1849) * v1842, (1.399999976158142 - v1849) * v1843, (1.399999976158142 - v1849) * v1844, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32140, Bone, v1849, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);
float v1864 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 60) / 20.0 - 1.5;
float v1834 = ((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 15) / 20.0 + 1.5;
pPlayStaticEffect(32114, Bone, v1834, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);
float v255 = v1834 - 0.300000011920929;
pPlayStaticEffect(32114, Bone, v255, Color, lpModel, 90.0, 0);
v1842 = v1846 * 0.2000000029802322;
v1843 = v1846 * 0.2000000029802322;
v1844 = v1846 * 1.0;
Vector( v1842 * 2.0, v1843 * 2.0, v1844 * 2.0, Color);
float v256 = v1834 - 0.800000011920929;
pPlayStaticEffect(32501, Bone, v256, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);
Vector( 0.1, 0.30000001, 1.0, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32115, Bone, 1.3, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);

if ( !((int) *(float*)0x5EF5A1C % 2) )
v1842 = v1846 * 0.699999988079071;
v1843 = v1846 * 0.800000011920929;
v1844 = v1846 * 1.0;
Vector( v1842 * 2.0, v1843 * 2.0, v1844 * 2.0, Color);
if ( v1846 + 0.0 >= 0.5 )
v1162 = 0.5;
v1162 = v1846 + 0.0;
float v267 = v1162;
pPlayDynamicEffect(32113, Bone, WorldPos, Color, 7, v267, lpModel);
Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, Color);
pPlayStaticEffect(32614, Bone, 0.5, Color, lpModel, 0.0, 0);

DYNAMIC_EFFECT_INFO *m_DynamicEffectInfo = (DYNAMIC_EFFECT_INFO*)0x8907508;
int cCreateEffect::DynamicEffectEx(DWORD ModelID, vec3_t VecPos, vec3_t WorldPos, vec3_t Color, int SubEffectID, float Scale, ObjectModel* lpModel)

for (int i = 0; i < 3000; ++i)
lpEffect = &m_DynamicEffectInfo[i];
if (!lpEffect->Enable)

if (!lpEffect)
return 0;

lpEffect->Enable = 1;
lpEffect->EffectID = ModelID;
lpEffect->TextureID = ModelID;
lpEffect->SubEffectID = SubEffectID;
lpEffect->VecPos.X = VecPos[0];
lpEffect->VecPos.Y = VecPos[1];
lpEffect->VecPos.Z = VecPos[2];
lpEffect->VecPos2.X = VecPos[0];
lpEffect->VecPos2.Y = VecPos[1];
lpEffect->VecPos2.Z = VecPos[2];
lpEffect->Color.X = Color[0];
lpEffect->Color.Y = Color[1];
lpEffect->Color.Z = Color[2];
lpEffect->Scale = Scale;
lpEffect->Unknown80 = 0.0;
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 2;
lpEffect->Unknown72 = 0;
lpEffect->m_Owner = lpModel;
lpEffect->Unknown68 = 0.0;
lpEffect->Unknown76 = 1;

lpEffect->WorldPos.X = WorldPos[0];
lpEffect->WorldPos.Y = WorldPos[1];
lpEffect->WorldPos.Z = WorldPos[2];
lpEffect->Unknown84.X = 0.0;
lpEffect->Unknown84.Y = 0.0;
lpEffect->Unknown84.Z = 0.0;

switch (lpEffect->EffectID)
case 32587: //shiny06
if (lpEffect->SubEffectID)
if (lpEffect->SubEffectID > 0 && lpEffect->SubEffectID <= 3)
lpEffect->Unknown60 = GetLargeRand() % 11 + 20;
lpEffect->Unknown56 = 0.0;
lpEffect->Unknown68 = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 180);
lpEffect->Scale = Scale - (float)(GetLargeRand() % 6) * (Scale / 10.0f);

switch (lpEffect->SubEffectID)
case 1:
lpEffect->VecPos.X = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 31) - 15.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.X;
lpEffect->VecPos.Y = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 31) - 15.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.Y;
lpEffect->VecPos.Z = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 21) + 12.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.Z;
case 2:
lpEffect->VecPos.X = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 31) / 30.0f * 40.0f - 20.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.X;
lpEffect->VecPos.Y = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 31) / 30.0f * 40.0f - 20.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.Y;
lpEffect->VecPos.Z = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 24) + 14.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.Z;
case 3:
lpEffect->VecPos.X = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 31) / 30.0f * 70.0f - 35.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.X;
lpEffect->VecPos.Y = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 31) / 30.0f * 70.0f - 35.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.Y;
lpEffect->VecPos.Z = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 30) + 20.0f + lpEffect->VecPos.Z;
switch (lpEffect->SubEffectID)
case 4:
case 6:
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 15;
lpEffect->Unknown68 = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 360);
lpEffect->Unknown84.X = (float)-(GetLargeRand() % 2 - 1);
lpEffect->Unknown84.Y = (float)-(GetLargeRand() % 4);
lpEffect->Unknown84.Z = (float)-(GetLargeRand() % 4);
case 7:
lpEffect->Scale = 0.1;
lpEffect->VecPos2.X = Scale;
lpEffect->Unknown60 = GetLargeRand() % 10 + 20;
lpEffect->VecPos.X = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 50 - 25) + lpEffect->VecPos.X;
lpEffect->VecPos.Y = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 50 - 25) + lpEffect->VecPos.Y;
lpEffect->VecPos.Z = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 50 - 25) + lpEffect->VecPos.Z;
lpEffect->Unknown80 = 1.0;
lpEffect->WorldPos.X = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 360);
lpEffect->WorldPos.Y = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 360);
lpEffect->WorldPos.Z = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 360);
lpEffect->Unknown68 = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 20 - 10);
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 18;
lpEffect->WorldPos.X = 45.0;

case 52379: //hikorora Custom
if (lpEffect->SubEffectID)
switch (lpEffect->SubEffectID)
case 1:
case 2:
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 15;
lpEffect->Scale = 0.2;
case 3:
lpEffect->Scale = 0.0;
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 35;
case 4:
lpEffect->Unknown68 = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 360);
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 5;
lpEffect->Scale = 1.2;
case 5:
case 6:
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 6;
lpEffect->Unknown68 = (int) (*(float*)0x5EF5A1C * 0.75f) % 360;
lpEffect->Unknown72 = 2;
lpEffect->Scale = Scale - (float)(GetLargeRand() % 6) * (Scale / 10.0f) + 0.3;
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 100;
lpEffect->Scale = 0.2;

case 52229: //flareBlue Custom
if (lpEffect->SubEffectID)
switch (lpEffect->SubEffectID)
case 6:
lpEffect->Unknown56 = 1.0;
lpEffect->Unknown84.X = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 8) + -4.0;
lpEffect->Unknown84.Y = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 4);
lpEffect->Unknown84.Z = (float)(GetLargeRand() % 8) + -4.0;
lpEffect->Unknown60 = 12;
lpEffect->Scale = Scale - (float)(GetLargeRand() % 4) * (Scale / 10.0f);
return 0;
void cCreateEffect::Load()
SetCompleteHook(0xE8, 0x0061041C, &CreateItemEffect);
SetCompleteHook(0xE8, 0x005666C1, &CreateItemEffect);


//Efectos Dinamicos Customs
pLoadImage("Effect\\flare01.jpg", 52002, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, 1, 0);
pLoadImage("Effect\\JointLaser01.jpg", 52224, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, 1, 0);
pLoadImage("Effect\\hikorora.jpg", 52379, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, 1, 0);
pLoadImage("Effect\\flareBlue.jpg", 52229, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, 1, 0);
pLoadImage("Effect\\shiny06.jpg", 32587, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, 1, 0);
pLoadImage("Effect\\bostar3_R.jpg", 32614, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, 1, 0);

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