View Full Version : |Source| SRC KoshGames RePack [UPDATE 7]

31/08/2020, 01:19 PM
Liberación src UP7 [Nao tem nd aver com as novas +UP8>>>>].

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Log UP1:

- New Button in Close Custom Store

- Sistem Post Item + new X,Y cord in interface

- Sistem Animations in select Char

- Change Copyright select server

- New item.ico interfaces emulator + getmaininfo.

- Sistem Right Click Mouse

- New Lorencia interface

- New Noria interface

- Select Server interface x700

- Select Char interface S13

- New Interface S6 (select server, select char)

- Generator PremiumKG + getmaininfo

- Add +5 Plugins (getmaininfo)

- Add - use inventory on MuHelper

- Desactivado MuError[cliente]

- Repair Anti-Inject ds,js

- Optimization to local folder (Text.bmd, Movereq.bmd, Item.bmd) in Local

- Master Skill (A) New Interface + Functions!

- Fix kriss Lag

- Optimization to local folder (Skill.bmd, SocketItem.bmd, Dialog.bmd, Quest.bmd) in Local

- New balance PVP

- Speed balance.

- F4 (time on, time off)

- F5 (minimap on, minimap off)

- Fix RF /attack

- Acelerador graficos ARP + FPS


- Add CustomG[Only registered and activated users can see links]

- Fix CustomWings

- Add CustomChatX700 (GetMainInfo - (1 on, 0 off))

- Add LimitTradeZen (GetMainInfo - (1 = 999,999,999, 0 = 99,999,999))

- Fix Rings

- CustomDowngrade(Helper,Gens,TabMap,XShop,Menu(U),L uckyItem,MapList(M) - (1: On, 0: Off))

- Interface Downgrade 99

- Fix Custom Monster Killed

- Fix Chat interface

- Fix RF skill

- Remove Inventory Text

- Add custom Pet

- Fix refresh {customwings,pets,etc..}


- Fix Pet teleport / Ring Monsters

- Cambiar Select S13 para S6 y Downgrade

- CustomFont adicionado!

- CustomElfSoldier adicionado!

- Master Skill [ADD] Dark Horse defense reparado.

- Lenguaje [eng,spn,por] adicionado [GS/GSCS] - [data/util/translate].

- CloseGame ( - On/Of = [GS/GSCS] - Common.dat

- Fix Rank Titles

- Adicionado para Downgrade CustomDowngradeButtonD

- Adicionado Interface [s2,s3] custominterfacetype = 4

- Adicionado fuente de letras [cliente - settings.ini]

- Modificado [NpcName(%)] a la carpeta [./data/local/NpcName.txt]

- Deshabilitado CustomMonster [Desde Main/MainInfo -> En up4 On]


- Change Name Server [on,of + names (maininfo)]

- Add Info Player [windows]

- New Disables for Downgrade [97,S2,S3]

- Adicionado CustomMonster

- Liberacion de Mapas [GS,GSCS,Main]

- WindowsInfo downgrade, upgrade

- Adicionado [RTT - FPS] windows Info [maininfo]

- TimeBar modificado coord[X] - Para Downgrade,upgrade

- Reparado ServerTime [maininfo]

- Fix Maps Interface x700

- Fix Dl Skill Interface x700

- Fix Box Skill Interface x700

- Elf Soldier Quests


- Audio on/off event

- Fix auto move from Icarus if dinorant/fenrir died

- Fix Invasion Dragon Red

- Fix Invasion Golden Dragon

- adicionado Golden Monster

- Adicionado Block [K] en el PersonalShop para Downgrade

- Adicionado Block [K] en el Baul para downgrade

- Adicionado Zyron Quest

- Adicionado Block [H] Button in inventory

- Adicionado Block Expand Inventory

- BOT Alquimist System

- Fix TvT event


- Reparación de mapas custom + music [client]

- Fix Maps custom [CS/CSGS]

- Downgrade disable effect items full +15

- Adicionado CustomNPCItems

- Fix Dark Horse look around

- Adicionado Quest Marlon Teleport

- Reparación de chaos machine

- Opcion a remover Select char Animations

- Adicionado Premio por tiempo online [WC,WP,GP]

- Adicionado al [translate] mensajes de alquimista [Linea 873 a 887]

- Fix Move Items

- Adicionado Item Position [Main|MainInfo]


- Fix Custom Items Guard(1,2) Names

- Adicionado Custom Stats Info

- Sistema Custom Smith Item

- Sistema Custom LuckyWheel

- Removida [ImgBox(ESC)] para downgrade. [97,s2,s3]

- Adicionada [Sombra de items] Downgrade[97,s2,s3]

- Adicionado [SmithItem, LuckyWheel]-> Menu Custom

- Adicionado [Translate Text SmithItem, LuckyWheel [GS/GSCS]]

- Adicionado [Custom Menu Options s6 + upgrade]

- Adicionado [Custom Menu Options downgrade]

- Fix Custom NPC Names

- Adicionado [Draw FPS en pantalla + Menu Op]

Ja me lembro de pq nao faco vendas.
O novato do wil fico loco pq n quiz vender algo novo. aé tem seu dinheiro. [Only registered and activated users can see links] | [Only registered and activated users can see links]

31/08/2020, 01:31 PM
Excelente Source congratscongratscongrats

31/08/2020, 04:36 PM
Ótima source e vou trabalha nela em breve possível até criar projeto nela

31/08/2020, 09:31 PM
alguem tem changelog da up 7 ? e parabens por libera sua source.

31/08/2020, 10:49 PM
Muito bom parabens

Denis Alves
31/08/2020, 11:07 PM
alguem tem changelog da up 7 ? e parabens por libera sua source.

Tem no Facebook dele e também está anexado na mensagem inicial.

31/08/2020, 11:16 PM
up 7 fotos

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[Only registered and activated users can see links]
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10/09/2020, 02:26 PM

26/09/2020, 03:44 PM
Excelente Source

26/09/2020, 11:00 PM
up 7 fotos

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[Only registered and activated users can see links]
[Only registered and activated users can see links]
[Only registered and activated users can see links]

Compartilhar Update7 arquivo completo?

27/09/2020, 01:14 PM
Compartilhar Update7 arquivo completo?

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