View Full Version : |Download| WebEngine 1.0.7 PL1

12/01/2015, 02:14 PM
Esta é a oitava versão privada do WebEngine. Segue logo abaixo as imagens, changelog,instalação e download dessa web que por sinal parece ser excelente.

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[Only registered and activated users can see links]

Mais imagens AQUI ([Only registered and activated users can see links])

WebEngine 1.0.3 PL1:

- Fixed change password verifying process
- Fixed admincp not showing online users when using 4DB structure
- Fixed security issue with admincp modules
- Fixed issue with PayPal and SuperRewards API not adding credits

WebEngine 1.0.3 PL2:

- Added display of current stats to the add stats module
- Added 2 new PDO drivers (WebEngine can now be used in Apache for Windows)

WebEngine 1.0.3 PL3:

- Fixed forgot password module
- Fixed VIP promotion not giving the promotion days

WebEngine 1.0.4:

- [PHP] requires short_open_tags ON
- New deault template
- Handler now supports directories (sub-page system)
- Added support for 404(not found) error
- Extra security layer added to page request
- Page name displayed in website title (SEO)
- After login user will be redirected to the last users-only requested page
- Failed login system now blocks the IP address (not the username)
- Plugins system (new table WEBENGINE_PLUGINS)
- Fixed vote system configuration not working
- Fixed character reset not showing success message
- Added new language phrases:
- Fixed VIP promotion system
- Fixed rankings always displaying date even if config is set to false
- Downloads manager (new table WEBENGINE_DOWNLOADS)
- Module settings moved from config file to individual XML files
- Grand Resets rankings now ordered by GR and Resets and only players with 1 or more GR shown in results
- Improved rankings sql queries
- Added Master Level rankings
- Added PvP Last Stand rankings
- Added Gens rankings
- Automatic castle-siege battle countdown banner [BETA]
- Cron Jobs system (new table WEBENGINE_CRON)
- Modules Settings in admin panel [BETA]

WebEngine 1.0.4 PL1:

- Added plugin variable for expanding the AdminCP navbar
- Fixed website forum link not working in website navbar
- New functions added for global configurations loading from XML
- Fixed template extra sidebar module contents not being included

WebEngine 1.0.5:

- Fixed news title not being able to handle symbols
- Fixed plugin system not loading plugins
- Fixed guild mark display
- WebEngine logo added to the admin panel
- [AdminCP] Edit news
- SMTP configurations
- Registration email verification
- Registration welcome email
- Sum TempCredits to cspoints display in myaccount module
- Vote system comletely recoded and optimized
- Vote system credits settings
- [AdminCP] Edit character
- Added IP Blocking System
- MEMB_CREDITS support
- Fixed password recovery system vulnerability
- [AdminCP] Change account's password
- [AdminCP] Change account's email address

WebEngine 1.0.5 PL1:

- Top Online rankings for 4DB structure
- Alternative PayPal API for windows
- Adding Credits Online Check (all API's + admincp)
- AdminCP version check

WebEngine 1.0.6:

- Top votes rankings
- MuEngine library updated
- Guild and Character Profiles
-> Cached data updates once an hour (on request only)
- [AdminCP] Top voters
- [UserCP] Change account email address
- Sidebar server information
- Castle Siege module
- Buy zen module
- Added characters list in "My Account" module with link to profiles
- Added custom credits options for PayPal and SuperReward donation APIs

WebEngine 1.0.7:

- MD5 switch (on/off)
- [1.0.6] PayPal & SR API's hotfix applied
- [AdminCP] Master Level editor
- Exclude characters from rankings
- Give VIP at registration
- Hide inactive usercp modules
- Added support for non-standard SQL port (dblib)
- Improved registration SQL queries
- Improved login SQL query
- Improved password change SQL query
- Email verification message phrases fixed
- [AdminCP] Ban system (permanent/temporal)
- [AdminCP] Cron job reset button (clears all cron timers)
- Facebook like and share buttons added to the news
- Repaced DISQUS comments system with Facebook comments
- Realtime server time
- Realtime CS banner countdown
- CS banner countdown is now relative to the user's time
- Contact Us module
- [AdminCP] New registrations list
- [Fix] Guild mark logo binary to hex config added

[1.0.7 PL1]

- Password change/recovery emails showing wrong date (reported by eynnad)
- Password change query fixed (reported by KREATOR)
- Guild marks colors corrected (thanks eynnad and KREATOR)
- Encryption library now uses the config encryption_hash (16 characters recommended)
- Removed encryption on version check (admincp)

Required PHP modules / extensions / settings:

mod_rewrite (apache)
short_open_tag = On (php.ini)

Instalação PTBR:

Faça um backup completo do seu banco de dados MuOnline.
Faça o download do pacote de lançamento WebEngine e extraí-lo.
Executar todas as consultas SQL fornecidos no release.
Carregar todos os arquivos do CMS para o seu acolhimento.
Certifique-se os seguintes diretórios e arquivos têm permissão de escrita (chmod):
/ includes / cache / *
/ inclui / cache / news / *
/ includes / config / *
/ includes / config / modules / *

Configs do Configure WebEngine (/includes/config.php)
encryption_hash deve ser de 16 caracteres para evitar erros do PHP.

Cron Setup do WebEngine para executar a cada 5 minutos (/cron/cron.php)
Entre na sua conta de administrador ea configuração dos módulos de WebEngine através do AdminCP.
Criar um novo cron usando o AdminCP para /cron/server_info.php (isto é para as estatísticas da barra lateral)

Instalação ENG:

Make a full backup of your MuOnline database.
Download the WebEngine release package and extract it.
Run all the SQL queries provided in the release.
Upload all the CMS files to your host.
Make sure the following directories and files have write permission (chmod):

Configure WebEngine's configs (/includes/config.php)
encryption_hash must be 16 characters long to prevent PHP errors.

Setup WebEngine's cron to run every 5 minutes (/cron/cron.php)
Login to your admin account and configure WebEngine's modules through the admincp.
Create a new cronjob using the admincp for /cron/server_info.php (this is for the sidebar stats)

Novo Update 1.0.7:
[Only registered and activated users can see links]

Lautaro (Developer)
PHPMailer (para suas bibliotecas impressionantes)

15/01/2015, 02:09 PM
Bela Web, porém não sei se tem limite de resets nela.. Contém ?

19/01/2015, 05:46 PM
thulioss, infelizmente não testei ainda essa web para poder te informar "/

@all Foi adicionado um novo update no tópico inicial.

Update 1.0.7:

- MD5 switch (on/off)
- [1.0.6] PayPal & SR API's hotfix applied
- [AdminCP] Master Level editor
- Exclude characters from rankings
- Give VIP at registration
- Hide inactive usercp modules
- Added support for non-standard SQL port (dblib)
- Improved registration SQL queries
- Improved login SQL query
- Improved password change SQL query
- Email verification message phrases fixed
- [AdminCP] Ban system (permanent/temporal)
- [AdminCP] Cron job reset button (clears all cron timers)
- Facebook like and share buttons added to the news
- Repaced DISQUS comments system with Facebook comments
- Realtime server time
- Realtime CS banner countdown
- CS banner countdown is now relative to the user's time
- Contact Us module
- [AdminCP] New registrations list
- [Fix] Guild mark logo binary to hex config added

[1.0.7 PL1]

- Password change/recovery emails showing wrong date (reported by eynnad)
- Password change query fixed (reported by KREATOR)
- Guild marks colors corrected (thanks eynnad and KREATOR)
- Encryption library now uses the config encryption_hash (16 characters recommended)
- Removed encryption on version check (admincp)

09/02/2015, 11:46 AM
Mentor, ela suporta versão Season 4 Ep 6 FULL ?

17/02/2015, 09:11 PM

Conseguiu deichar a web online ?

17/02/2015, 09:41 PM
thulioss Acredito que suporte qualquer versão pois eu até queria instalar essa web mais infelizmente não me sobra tempo... mas ela parece ser uma excelente web.

17/02/2015, 10:16 PM
@Mentor ([Only registered and activated users can see links])

Ja tentei de tudo mechi na webengine.php ,
define('__ROOT_DIR__', str_replace('\\','/',dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/'); // /home/user/public_html/

e o erro continua olha so como aparece ..

[Only registered and activated users can see links]

[Only registered and activated users can see links]

17/02/2015, 11:03 PM
@ghst ([Only registered and activated users can see links]) os arquivos a serem configurados são os que estão sendo citados no tutorial que postei no tópico inicial e nele não informa que tem de mexer em webengine.php.
Essa web é compativel com sql2005 +, se estiver usando sql2000 vai dar problema! Pelo menos foi a informação que obtive.

Assim que possivel vou tentar instalar essa web e criar um tutorial mais detalhado :)

18/02/2015, 12:42 AM
@Mentor ([Only registered and activated users can see links]) , Com SQL 2005 continua a mesma coisa ..

18/02/2015, 06:39 AM
Eu desisti kk.. Tentei instalar mesmo usando o SQL 2008 R2

18/02/2015, 09:11 AM
eu queria web com vote system .. essa não vai e mucore e bugada

18/02/2015, 10:35 AM
Vocês estão instalando ela em hospedagem win ou linux? Se alguém quiser me disponibilizar hospedagem e vps para me tentar instalar, entre em contato comigo via MP que irei tentar instalar ;)

22/02/2015, 06:30 PM
alguém me mande php-bcmath.dll ! Vi aqui e talvez falte essa extension...

16/01/2016, 12:26 AM
Essa Plataforma WebEngine , é mais confiável usar invés de uma effect e/ou musite ?

06/03/2016, 01:52 PM
Os arquivos php dela são encriptados? Porque seria ótimo poder reprograma-la.