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    Developer C++ InFamous's Avatar

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    DarksTeam MuServer 97d99i Beta 40 - Marry, Quest System & Sky Event!

    [Beta 41.1 Changelog]
    Added ability to specify Sky event item reward min/max level and count
    Small bug fixes

    [Beta 41 Changelog]
    Tweaked drop system with ability to use -1 for random skill/luck/add/exc options
    Added ability to allow specific characters/symbols in character and guild names
    DecreaseElfArrows is now InfiniteElfArrows
    Added /ping command
    Added ability to clear player skills when resetting
    Event manager now respects the year column

    [Beta 40 Changelog]
    Added ability to include grand reset points when resetting
    Added Golden Archer system
    Added ability to change max item level
    Added ability to change item duration on the floor

    Updated files:
    - DTData\ResetSystem.dat
    - DTData\GoldenArcher.txt
    - DTData\Common.ini
    - GameServer\DarksTeam.dll

    [Beta 39 Changelog]
    Added ability to reload most of the customs using /reload 3
    Added Dynamic Exp System
    Quest system now supports all monsters
    Fixed invasion time
    Fixed Sky Event pvp before event start
    Fixed dupe bug

    [Beta 38 Changelog]
    Added /resetskills command
    Added Lucky Mixes event
    Experience calculation tweaked
    Added ability to change points per level for each class
    Added CalCharacter - you can now balance your characters

    [Beta 37.4 Changelog]
    Tweaked /vault command & fixed dupe bug

    [Beta 37.3 Changelog]
    Fixed Sky event not randomizing items
    Changing points per level will now also change in Blood Castle

    [Beta 37.2 Changelog]
    Stability improvements

    [Beta 37.1 Changelog]
    Fixed /move command not working properly

    [Beta 37 Changelog]
    Fixed /reset and /grandreset not switching characters if selfdefense is active
    Fixed /post command crashing on some systems
    Performance improvements

    [Beta 36.1 Changelog]
    Fixed drop system min/max level
    Fixed high cpu usage

    [Beta 36 Changelog]
    Attempt to fix multi vault dupe
    Fixed Sky event not being able to enter in some cases
    Quest system tweaks

    [Beta 35 Changelog]
    Fixed /pet command only for gm check
    Added ability to change npc buffers text
    Skills min level check now uses item(kor).txt
    Fixed starting level up points and zen options

    [Beta 34.7 Changelog]
    Fixed /pkclear checks
    Attempt to fix guild joining issue
    Fixed golden archer dupe

    [Beta 34.6 Changelog]
    Added ability to limit maximum players in a guild
    Added ability to set /pkclear's command price * pk count

    [Beta 34.5 Changelog]
    Fixed npc buffers starts moving when there's a murderer around them

    [Beta 34.4 Changelog]
    Quest system hotfix
    Added ability to clear player kills on reset & grand reset. You'll have to update your Reset & GrandResetSystem.dat files by adding an extra 0 at the end of each line, or use the ones provided with the package

    [Beta 34.3 Changelog]
    Fixed reset command check for empty inventory
    Attempt to fix monster attribute error on start up when npc buffers are enabled

    [Beta 34.2 Changelog]
    /tracemarry tweaked to work with MoveSystem.dat

    [Beta 34.1 Changelog]
    Fixed /tracemarry down
    Quest system credits reward option added. You'll have to update your Quests file by adding an extra 0 at the end of each quest, or use the one provided with the package

    [Beta 34 Changelog]
    NPC buffers should no longer start moving after some time
    Fixed anti afk punishment type (0 = warp, 1 = disconnect)
    Added the missing ZenFormula option to the pkclear command
    Blocked all invalid/bad skins & pets by default
    Added database for sql 2005 and up to the main package + odbc for win x64 (base package only)
    Improved anti afk system. Characters that are chatting but not moving will no longer be considered as afk
    Implemented a brand new vault dupe protection - Hot!
    Added /tracemarry blocked maps option
    Added /tracemarry down option
    Added ability to control with how many excellent options the excellent items drops - Hot!
    Replaced bor team's connectserver with webzen's one + patched it to work correctly on new operation systems. No more false antivirus alerts due to connectserver being packed (base package only)
    Added starting level up points and zen options for newly created characters - Hot!
    Fixed quest system first quest being ignored
    Fixed a bug where Sky event, Reset & Grand Reset commands would not add credits if the account is missing from MEMB_CREDITS table
    Implemented a new, experimental trade dupe protection - Hot!

    [Beta 33.1 Changelog]
    Fixed news system sending the default messages in some cases
    Fixed npc system min/max level usage
    Applied some fixes to the reset system
    Upgraded the grand reset command to advanced grand reset system
    Removed the unused options from Commands.ini which were forgotten in the previous beta

    [Beta 33 Changelog - Gold edition]
    Fixed disabling trade not working
    Completely reworked move system. You can now make some warps available only for vips - Hot!
    Added a /charinfo command that will show player's current resets, grand resets, marriage info & vip status expiration time
    Added a level up effect to /buyvip command
    Quest id variable removed from the quest system. You'll have to update your quests file, or use the new one.
    New, experimental party zen bug fix, including in devil square
    Improved shadow bug detection. No more skills learning at level one, using the shadow bug - Hot!
    Added advanced messages system. You can finally translate all custom command/event/system messages - Hot!
    Brand new, never seen before event - Lucky Jewels - Hot!
    Added advanced exp system with ability to set different bonus exp on every map. In addition, you can make zones with extra exp - Hot!
    VIP system improved with performance in mind
    Added advanced zen drop system. You can finally control monster's zen drop - Exclusive!
    Experimental syn flood protection - Hot!
    Fixed /buy & /sell commands color #3
    Added advanced reset system with ability to set different requirements per class/vip/resets, different rewards per class/vip/resets - Hot!
    Fixed a bug where Sky event wasn't randomizing the excellent options when rewarding players
    Some additional corrections to the gm system. Fixed the expiration date & automated the demotion process without the need of re-logging
    Added ability to make the vip system to work per account as well as per character - Hot!
    Added advanced anti-afk system with the ability to create several safe zones per map/coords - Hot!
    Fixed map system file reading structure
    Added additional security checks to the npc talk protocol
    Added /setlevel & /setzen commands
    Attempt to finally fix the crash on some server machines when checksum is enabled

    [Beta 32 Changelog]
    Brand new VIP System - Hot!
    Advanced npc buffers configuration file (+ability to add them on different maps, change npc's ids, ability to limit them to vips only, min/max level, resets, grand resets) - Hot!
    Added ability to enable/disable /questinfo command
    Added ability to change how blood castle award players (all party players or just the player who completes the quest)
    All player commands now works with the brand new vip system. You can now limit the commands to vips only.
    Advanced map system with safe zones! Yes, you can finally create non pvp, pk free zones. - Hot!
    Game Masters can move using /move <map name>
    Added a check if the player will exceed the maximum amount of zen (2000000000) when selling, being rewarded in event or when picking up zen). No more bugged zen. - Hot!
    NPC's can no longer be killed using hacks
    Added ability to set (and show) Sky event's required item name
    Fully translated file with additional correction
    Completely rewritten GM system. All known bugs fixed
    Advanced character stats system. Now you can limit strength, agility, vitality, energy per class - Hot!
    Drop system completely recoded. Working way better now
    Improved /add command, integrated to work with the new character stats system
    Attack Speed is wrong log removed
    Added ability to completely disable gameserver logs
    Potions usage delay added
    Zombie pvp hack blocked
    Added ability to allow killers to enter devil square, blood castle and use shops
    Anti twisting slash use without weapon check added
    In case of missing custom sql columns, the gameserver will attempt to automatically create them
    Huge performance improvements

    [Beta 31 Changelog]
    Webzen Mu Game Server is already Running fixed
    - Sub servers support added
    Patched all startup error logs

    [Beta 30 Changelog]

    Option to check if inventory is empty before reset - added (2 types, 1 = check equipment only, 2 = check whole inventory)
    Option to clear inventory after reset - added
    Elf greater damage & defense buffs duration options - added
    Drop command can drop kris
    Party exp options fixed (party bonus event should also be working correctly now)
    Reduced sql queries

    [Beta 29 Changelog]
    Minor fixes
    Added support for excellent items in shops - Hot!
    You'll have to update your shop files by adding an additional 0 on each item

    [Beta 28 Changelog]
    Checksum crash fixed
    More performance improvements

    [Beta 27 Changelog]
    English translated gameserver
    Sky event hotfix

    [Beta 26 Changelog]
    Character/guild leave without personal id - fixed
    Trade hack - blocked
    Guild notice sql injection - fixed (directly in gs).
    Pk bug - fixed (limit of 100 kills - removed)
    Post command delay option - added
    Spoof hack - blocked
    Disconnect hack detection - improved
    Trade with npc crash - fixed
    Sky event - improved
    Quest system - improved. No more crashes & negative quests, hopefully.
    Elf arrows will no longer decrease (and then increase) when DecreaseElfArrows is set to 0
    Happy hour event - improved
    Performance improved by 80%, sql queries reduced by 60%
    2nd level wings success rate option - fixed
    Advanced Blood castle reward according to the room level - added (example: bc1 - box+1, bc2 - box+2, bc6 - box+5)
    Mana shield maximum percentage option - added
    Npc buffers (swell of life, mana shield, elf buffs) - added
    /pet command - added
    Swell of Life (bk buff) formula options - added
    Post command color #3 fixed
    Skin command blocked skins option - added

    [Beta 25 Changelog]
    CheckSum crash - Fixed
    Little corrections over the EventManager

    [Beta 24 Changelog]
    Critical bug fix

    [Beta 23 Changelog]
    Anti bad symbols in character name - Added - Hot!
    Unique map system (pk free, non-pvp maps) - Added - Unique!
    Allow/Disallow pvp in sky event option - Added
    Little corrections in quest system

    [Beta 22.2]
    Some little corrections

    [Beta 22 Changelog]
    GM Login notice - Added
    [Move System] Required resets to move - Added - Hot!
    [Move System] Required grand resets to move - Added - Hot!
    F.O Items support in drop system - Added
    F.O Items support in Quest reward - Added
    F.O Items support in Sky Event Reward - Added
    Sky Event Respawn - Fixed
    Sky Event Min players option - Added
    Sky Event credits reward - Added
    Quest System Exp & Levels reward - Fixed
    All other reported bugs - Fixed

    [Beta 21 Changelog]
    New Commands: /skin, /gg, /banpost, /unbanpost, /banchar, /unbanchar, /reload, /evo & /grandreset

    Brand new Quest System (with 15 new quests) - Hot!
    New sql connection
    Unique drop system - Hot!
    Updated Event Manager
    Sky Event - (Download the new client) - Hot!
    GM System - Hot!
    New Move System (game masters should use /gmove name map coords) - Hot!
    Blood Castle Ranking
    Golden Archer
    Auto bugged stats fix on login
    Trade System
    Anti Disconnect Hack - Hot!
    Anti Vault Dupe - Hot!
    Anti Guild Crash - Hot!
    PvP / NoN PvP Support - Hot!

    [Client Updates]
    1. With this client you can start the game directly from main.exe
    2. Added a cell in Icarus for Sky Event


    - :: Custom Commands :: -
    /post, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /pkclear, /reset, /grandreset, /marry, /acceptmarry, /tracemarry, /marrystatus, /divorce, /getmarry,
    /time, /exit, /buy, /sell, /online, /clearinventory, /moveall, /vault, /questinfo, /skin, /gg, /drop, /banchar, /unbanchar, /banpost, /unbanpost, /reload, /evo, /pet, /buyvip, /vipinfo, /charinfo, /setlevel, /setzen

    - :: Custom Events :: -
    Happy Hour
    Party Exp Bonus
    Sky Event
    Lucky Jewels - Exclusive!

    - :: Other Customs :: -
    Advanced Item Drop System
    Game Master System
    News System
    Unique Quest System
    Move System
    Trade System
    Event Manager
    Golden Archer
    Blood Castle Ranking
    Auto Bugged Stats fix on Login
    Advanced Map System with zones - Unique!
    Advanced Blood Castle Rewards - New!
    NPC Buffers - New!
    Support for Excellent items in shops - New!
    Ability to completely disable gameserver logs - New!
    Advanced Character Stats system - New!
    VIP System - New!
    Map Exp System - New!
    Anti Afk System - New!
    Zen Drop System - New!
    Advanced Reset system - New!
    Over 500 Custom Config Options

    - :: Security :: -
    Anti Disconnect Hack
    Anti Guild Crash
    Anti Vault Dupe - Improved!
    Anti Bad Symbols in Character Name
    Anti Guild Notice Inject - New!
    Anti NPC Trade Crash - New!
    Anti Trade Hack - New!
    Anti Zombie Hack - New!
    Anti Twisting Slash Hack - New!
    Anti Shadow Bug - New!
    Anti Trade Dupe - New!
    Anti Syn Flood - New!

    - :: Supported OS :: -
    Windows XP
    Windows Server 2003/2008/2012
    Windows Vista
    Windows 7
    Windows 8
    Windows 10

    - :: Supported SQL Servers :: -
    2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014 (All)

    - :: Downloads :: -

    Credits: WebZen & DarksTeam only
    Last edited by MeNoN; 21/07/2020 at 02:55 AM.

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    Developer C++ InFamous's Avatar

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    breve fotos.

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    Lendário L.Henrique's Avatar

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    Novo link do Client [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

    Breve atualizei esse post com o link do MEGA.
    Novo por aqui? [Somente membros podem ver os links. ] e se apresente para a Comunidade PerfectZone

    Leia as Regras para evitar que você receba infrações ou até mesmo ser banido. [Somente membros podem ver os links. ] para ler as regras da PerfectZone

    ..::: Precisamos ser mais humildes e reconhecer que nem tudo sabemos :::..
    By L.Henrique

  5. #4
    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

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    [Beta 34.5 Changelog]
    Fixed npc buffers starts moving when there's a murderer around them

    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

    4 Dias 7 Horas:------- Atualizado -------

    [Beta 34.6 Changelog]
    Added ability to limit maximum players in a guild
    Added ability to set /pkclear's command price * pk count

    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

    5 Dias 4 Horas:------- Atualizado -------

    [Beta 34.7 Changelog]
    Fixed /pkclear checks
    Attempt to fix guild joining issue
    Fixed golden archer dupe

    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]
    Last edited by djagripnos; 17/09/2015 at 06:14 PM.

  6. #5
    Membro aboutme's Avatar
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    Citação Originally Posted by InFamous Ver Post
    [Beta 34.4 Changelog]
    Quest system hotfix
    Added ability to clear player kills on reset & grand reset. You'll have to update your Reset & GrandResetSystem.dat files by adding an extra 0 at the end of each line, or use the ones provided with the package

    [Beta 34.3 Changelog]
    Fixed reset command check for empty inventory
    Attempt to fix monster attribute error on start up when npc buffers are enabled

    [Beta 34.2 Changelog]
    /tracemarry tweaked to work with MoveSystem.dat

    [Beta 34.1 Changelog]
    Fixed /tracemarry down
    Quest system credits reward option added. You'll have to update your Quests file by adding an extra 0 at the end of each quest, or use the one provided with the package

    [Beta 34 Changelog]
    NPC buffers should no longer start moving after some time
    Fixed anti afk punishment type (0 = warp, 1 = disconnect)
    Added the missing ZenFormula option to the pkclear command
    Blocked all invalid/bad skins & pets by default
    Added database for sql 2005 and up to the main package + odbc for win x64 (base package only)
    Improved anti afk system. Characters that are chatting but not moving will no longer be considered as afk
    Implemented a brand new vault dupe protection - Hot!
    Added /tracemarry blocked maps option
    Added /tracemarry down option
    Added ability to control with how many excellent options the excellent items drops - Hot!
    Replaced bor team's connectserver with webzen's one + patched it to work correctly on new operation systems. No more false antivirus alerts due to connectserver being packed (base package only)
    Added starting level up points and zen options for newly created characters - Hot!
    Fixed quest system first quest being ignored
    Fixed a bug where Sky event, Reset & Grand Reset commands would not add credits if the account is missing from MEMB_CREDITS table
    Implemented a new, experimental trade dupe protection - Hot!

    [Beta 33.1 Changelog]
    Fixed news system sending the default messages in some cases
    Fixed npc system min/max level usage
    Applied some fixes to the reset system
    Upgraded the grand reset command to advanced grand reset system
    Removed the unused options from Commands.ini which were forgotten in the previous beta

    [Beta 33 Changelog - Gold edition]
    Fixed disabling trade not working
    Completely reworked move system. You can now make some warps available only for vips - Hot!
    Added a /charinfo command that will show player's current resets, grand resets, marriage info & vip status expiration time
    Added a level up effect to /buyvip command
    Quest id variable removed from the quest system. You'll have to update your quests file, or use the new one.
    New, experimental party zen bug fix, including in devil square
    Improved shadow bug detection. No more skills learning at level one, using the shadow bug - Hot!
    Added advanced messages system. You can finally translate all custom command/event/system messages - Hot!
    Brand new, never seen before event - Lucky Jewels - Hot!
    Added advanced exp system with ability to set different bonus exp on every map. In addition, you can make zones with extra exp - Hot!
    VIP system improved with performance in mind
    Added advanced zen drop system. You can finally control monster's zen drop - Exclusive!
    Experimental syn flood protection - Hot!
    Fixed /buy & /sell commands color #3
    Added advanced reset system with ability to set different requirements per class/vip/resets, different rewards per class/vip/resets - Hot!
    Fixed a bug where Sky event wasn't randomizing the excellent options when rewarding players
    Some additional corrections to the gm system. Fixed the expiration date & automated the demotion process without the need of re-logging
    Added ability to make the vip system to work per account as well as per character - Hot!
    Added advanced anti-afk system with the ability to create several safe zones per map/coords - Hot!
    Fixed map system file reading structure
    Added additional security checks to the npc talk protocol
    Added /setlevel & /setzen commands
    Attempt to finally fix the crash on some server machines when checksum is enabled

    [Beta 32 Changelog]
    Brand new VIP System - Hot!
    Advanced npc buffers configuration file (+ability to add them on different maps, change npc's ids, ability to limit them to vips only, min/max level, resets, grand resets) - Hot!
    Added ability to enable/disable /questinfo command
    Added ability to change how blood castle award players (all party players or just the player who completes the quest)
    All player commands now works with the brand new vip system. You can now limit the commands to vips only.
    Advanced map system with safe zones! Yes, you can finally create non pvp, pk free zones. - Hot!
    Game Masters can move using /move <map name>
    Added a check if the player will exceed the maximum amount of zen (2000000000) when selling, being rewarded in event or when picking up zen). No more bugged zen. - Hot!
    NPC's can no longer be killed using hacks
    Added ability to set (and show) Sky event's required item name
    Fully translated file with additional correction
    Completely rewritten GM system. All known bugs fixed
    Advanced character stats system. Now you can limit strength, agility, vitality, energy per class - Hot!
    Drop system completely recoded. Working way better now
    Improved /add command, integrated to work with the new character stats system
    Attack Speed is wrong log removed
    Added ability to completely disable gameserver logs
    Potions usage delay added
    Zombie pvp hack blocked
    Added ability to allow killers to enter devil square, blood castle and use shops
    Anti twisting slash use without weapon check added
    In case of missing custom sql columns, the gameserver will attempt to automatically create them
    Huge performance improvements

    [Beta 31 Changelog]
    Webzen Mu Game Server is already Running fixed
    - Sub servers support added
    Patched all startup error logs

    [Beta 30 Changelog]

    Option to check if inventory is empty before reset - added (2 types, 1 = check equipment only, 2 = check whole inventory)
    Option to clear inventory after reset - added
    Elf greater damage & defense buffs duration options - added
    Drop command can drop kris
    Party exp options fixed (party bonus event should also be working correctly now)
    Reduced sql queries

    [Beta 29 Changelog]
    Minor fixes
    Added support for excellent items in shops - Hot!
    You'll have to update your shop files by adding an additional 0 on each item

    [Beta 28 Changelog]
    Checksum crash fixed
    More performance improvements

    [Beta 27 Changelog]
    English translated gameserver
    Sky event hotfix

    [Beta 26 Changelog]
    Character/guild leave without personal id - fixed
    Trade hack - blocked
    Guild notice sql injection - fixed (directly in gs).
    Pk bug - fixed (limit of 100 kills - removed)
    Post command delay option - added
    Spoof hack - blocked
    Disconnect hack detection - improved
    Trade with npc crash - fixed
    Sky event - improved
    Quest system - improved. No more crashes & negative quests, hopefully.
    Elf arrows will no longer decrease (and then increase) when DecreaseElfArrows is set to 0
    Happy hour event - improved
    Performance improved by 80%, sql queries reduced by 60%
    2nd level wings success rate option - fixed
    Advanced Blood castle reward according to the room level - added (example: bc1 - box+1, bc2 - box+2, bc6 - box+5)
    Mana shield maximum percentage option - added
    Npc buffers (swell of life, mana shield, elf buffs) - added
    /pet command - added
    Swell of Life (bk buff) formula options - added
    Post command color #3 fixed
    Skin command blocked skins option - added

    [Beta 25 Changelog]
    CheckSum crash - Fixed
    Little corrections over the EventManager

    [Beta 24 Changelog]
    Critical bug fix

    [Beta 23 Changelog]
    Anti bad symbols in character name - Added - Hot!
    Unique map system (pk free, non-pvp maps) - Added - Unique!
    Allow/Disallow pvp in sky event option - Added
    Little corrections in quest system

    [Beta 22.2]
    Some little corrections

    [Beta 22 Changelog]
    GM Login notice - Added
    [Move System] Required resets to move - Added - Hot!
    [Move System] Required grand resets to move - Added - Hot!
    F.O Items support in drop system - Added
    F.O Items support in Quest reward - Added
    F.O Items support in Sky Event Reward - Added
    Sky Event Respawn - Fixed
    Sky Event Min players option - Added
    Sky Event credits reward - Added
    Quest System Exp & Levels reward - Fixed
    All other reported bugs - Fixed

    [Beta 21 Changelog]
    New Commands: /skin, /gg, /banpost, /unbanpost, /banchar, /unbanchar, /reload, /evo & /grandreset

    Brand new Quest System (with 15 new quests) - Hot!
    New sql connection
    Unique drop system - Hot!
    Updated Event Manager
    Sky Event - (Download the new client) - Hot!
    GM System - Hot!
    New Move System (game masters should use /gmove name map coords) - Hot!
    Blood Castle Ranking
    Golden Archer
    Auto bugged stats fix on login
    Trade System
    Anti Disconnect Hack - Hot!
    Anti Vault Dupe - Hot!
    Anti Guild Crash - Hot!
    PvP / NoN PvP Support - Hot!

    [Client Updates]
    1. With this client you can start the game directly from main.exe
    2. Added a cell in Icarus for Sky Event


    - :: Custom Commands :: -
    /post, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /pkclear, /reset, /grandreset, /marry, /acceptmarry, /tracemarry, /marrystatus, /divorce, /getmarry,
    /time, /exit, /buy, /sell, /online, /clearinventory, /moveall, /vault, /questinfo, /skin, /gg, /drop, /banchar, /unbanchar, /banpost, /unbanpost, /reload, /evo, /pet, /buyvip, /vipinfo, /charinfo, /setlevel, /setzen

    - :: Custom Events :: -
    Happy Hour
    Party Exp Bonus
    Sky Event
    Lucky Jewels - Exclusive!

    - :: Other Customs :: -
    Advanced Item Drop System
    Game Master System
    News System
    Unique Quest System
    Move System
    Trade System
    Event Manager
    Golden Archer
    Blood Castle Ranking
    Auto Bugged Stats fix on Login
    Advanced Map System with zones - Unique!
    Advanced Blood Castle Rewards - New!
    NPC Buffers - New!
    Support for Excellent items in shops - New!
    Ability to completely disable gameserver logs - New!
    Advanced Character Stats system - New!
    VIP System - New!
    Map Exp System - New!
    Anti Afk System - New!
    Zen Drop System - New!
    Advanced Reset system - New!
    Over 500 Custom Config Options

    - :: Security :: -
    Anti Disconnect Hack
    Anti Guild Crash
    Anti Vault Dupe - Improved!
    Anti Bad Symbols in Character Name
    Anti Guild Notice Inject - New!
    Anti NPC Trade Crash - New!
    Anti Trade Hack - New!
    Anti Zombie Hack - New!
    Anti Twisting Slash Hack - New!
    Anti Shadow Bug - New!
    Anti Trade Dupe - New!
    Anti Syn Flood - New!

    - :: Supported OS :: -
    Windows XP
    Windows Server 2003/2008/2012
    Windows Vista
    Windows 7
    Windows 8
    Windows 10

    - :: Supported SQL Servers :: -
    2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014 (All)

    - :: Downloads :: -
    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]
    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

    Full client with Sky event cell in Icarus:
    (ip in main:
    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

    Credits: WebZen & DarksTeam only
    ReUpload link!!!

    Thank you ^^

  7. #6
    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

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    Dec 2014
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    Citação Originally Posted by aboutme Ver Post
    ReUpload link!!!

    Thank you ^^
    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]
    Update 34.7
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    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]
    Tool BackUp Database
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  8. #7
    Membro aboutme's Avatar
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    Citação Originally Posted by djagripnos Ver Post
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    Update 34.7
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    Tool BackUp Database
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    MuEditor 2.1
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    Thank you ^^

  9. 05/07/2016, 06:39 AM
    update post

  10. #8
    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

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    Next Update Soon!

    Planned feature: Ability to create multiple vip packages with different exp/drop per package.
    /buyvip <package name>

    Enable = 1
    Type = 0 ; 0 = per character, 1 = per account

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // [1] - Package number
    // [2] - Package name
    // [3] - Bonus exp
    // [4] - Bonus drop
    // [5] - Min level
    // [6] - Min resets
    // [7] - Min grand resets
    // [8] - Price type (0 = zen, 1 = credits)
    // [9] - Price
    // [10] - Duration (in days)
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 "Bronze" 10 3 1 0 0 1 500 30
    2 "Silver" 20 6 50 0 0 1 750 30
    3 "Gold" 30 9 100 0 0 1 1000 30
    18 Dias 5 Horas:------- Atualizado -------
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    Soon Update

    Prevista para o próximo versão - Advanced CalCharacter

    AttackDamageMinRight_Wizard_Str_Div = 8
    AttackDamageMaxRight_Wizard_Str_Div = 4
    AttackDamageMinLeft_Wizard_Str_Div = 8
    AttackDamageMaxLeft_Wizard_Str_Div = 4

    AttackDamageMinRight_Knight_Str_Div = 7
    AttackDamageMaxRight_Knight_Str_Div = 4
    AttackDamageMinLeft_Knight_Str_Div = 7
    AttackDamageMaxLeft_Knight_Str_Div = 4

    AttackDamageMinRight_Elf_No_Bow_Str_Agi_Div = 7
    AttackDamageMaxRight_Elf_No_Bow_Str_Agi_Div = 4
    AttackDamageMinLeft_Elf_No_Bow_Str_Agi_Div = 7
    AttackDamageMaxLeft_Elf_No_Bow_Str_Agi_Div = 4

    AttackDamageMinRight_Elf_Bow_Agi_Div = 7
    AttackDamageMaxRight_Elf_Bow_Agi_Div = 4
    AttackDamageMinLeft_Elf_Bow_Agi_Div = 7
    AttackDamageMaxLeft_Elf_Bow_Agi_Div = 4

    AttackDamageMinRight_Gladiator_Str_Div = 7
    AttackDamageMaxRight_Gladiator_Str_Div = 4
    AttackDamageMinLeft_Gladiator_Str_Div = 7
    AttackDamageMaxLeft_Gladiator_Str_Div = 4

    MagicDamageMin_Ene_Div = 9
    MagicDamageMax_Ene_Div = 4

    AttackSpeed_Wizard_Agi_Div = 20
    MagicSpeed_Wizard_Agi_Div = 15

    AttackSpeed_Knight_Agi_Div = 15
    MagicSpeed_Knight_Agi_Div = 20

    AttackSpeed_Elf_Agi_Div = 50
    MagicSpeed_Elf_Agi_Div = 50

    AttackSpeed_Gladiator_Agi_Div = 15
    MagicSpeed_Gladiator_Agi_Div = 20

    SuccessfulBlocking_Wizard_Agi_Div = 3
    SuccessfulBlocking_Knight_Agi_Div = 3
    SuccessfulBlocking_Elf_Agi_Div = 4
    SuccessfulBlocking_Gladiator_Agi_Div = 3

    Defense_Wizard_Agi_Div = 4
    Defense_Knight_Agi_Div = 3
    Defense_Elf_Agi_Div = 10
    Defense_Gladiator_Agi_Div = 4

    Wizard_vs_Wizard = 100.0
    Wizard_vs_Knight = 100.0
    Wizard_vs_Elf = 100.0
    Wizard_vs_Gladiator = 100.0

    Knight_vs_Wizard = 100.0
    Knight_vs_Knight = 100.0
    Knight_vs_Elf = 100.0
    Knight_vs_Gladiator = 100.0

    Elf_vs_Wizard = 100.0
    Elf_vs_Knight = 100.0
    Elf_vs_Elf = 100.0
    Elf_vs_Gladiator = 100.0

    Gladiator_vs_Wizard = 100.0
    Gladiator_vs_Knight = 100.0
    Gladiator_vs_Elf = 100.0
    Gladiator_vs_Gladiator = 100.0
    Last edited by djagripnos; 16/10/2016 at 02:53 PM.

  11. #9
    3D MAKER Unico's Avatar
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    Citação Originally Posted by djagripnos Ver Post
    Next Update Soon!

    Planned feature: Ability to create multiple vip packages with different exp/drop per package.
    /buyvip <package name>

    18 Dias 5 Horas:------- Atualizado -------
    @[Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

    Soon Update

    Prevista para o próximo versão - Advanced CalCharacter


  12. 08/01/2017, 10:07 AM

  13. #10
    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

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    New Update

    [Beta 37.3 Changelog]
    Fixed Sky event not randomizing items
    Changing points per level will now also change in Blood Castle

    [Beta 37.2 Changelog]
    Stability improvements

    [Beta 37.1 Changelog]
    Fixed /move command not working properly

    [Beta 37 Changelog]
    Fixed /reset and /grandreset not switching characters if selfdefense is active
    Fixed /post command crashing on some systems
    Performance improvements

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