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  1. #1
    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

    Data de Ingresso
    Dec 2014
    Thanks Thanks Given 
    Thanks Thanks Received 
    Thanked in
    127 Posts
    79 Post(s)

    Evolution Team Season 2 Premium Files+Source+Client

    Evolution Team Season 2 Free
    Protocol ENG
    Free Version: Customs are Enable

    >> Update 0.1.0 <<
    - /post Added
    - /reset Added
    - /str , agi , vit , ene , cmd Added without relog
    - /pkclear Added
    - /clearinv (clear inventory, does not remove wared items) Added
    - /bau (multi warehouse) Added
    - /time Added
    - /spin (Funny new System) Added

    >> GM Commands: <<
    - /drop Added
    - /moveall Added
    - /gmove Added
    - /banchar Added
    - /unbanchar Added
    - /mutepost Added
    - /unmutepost Added
    - /gg Added
    - /online Added
    - /web (show website link)
    - /cash (add Cashshop points to user) Added
    - /createmob Added
    - /reload Added
    - /skin Added

    >> Update 0.3.0 <<
    - Added support Shops Exl Options
    - Added Lahap Dupe
    - Added 65k Max Stats Support
    - Added Skills Level Options
    - Added Skill Settings
    - Fix Hp Potion Fix
    - Fix Mp Potion Fix
    - Fix SG Potion Fix
    - Fix Max Option +28 Fix
    - Fix Enable Save of Jewel Options
    - Fix Dragon Event Jewel Durability
    - Fix Destroy GIocp
    - Fix Memory Error 0x0000
    - Fix Socket Serial Error
    - Fix Serial 0 When Item Drop
    - Fix Serial 0 When Move Item
    - Fix Serial 0 Trade 1
    - Fix Serial 0 Trade 2
    - Fix Serial 0 Item
    - Fix Serial 0 Mix Jewel
    - Fix Serial 0 UnMix Jewel
    - Fix Serial 0 When Trade Jewel 1
    - Fix Serial 0 When Trade Jewel 2
    - Fix ItemSerial Check
    - Fix CashShop Buy Item
    - Fix AttackSpeedTime check
    - Fix Disconnect problems
    - Fix ManaShield
    - Fix BK Skills Crash GameServer
    - Fix Elf Summons Crash GameServer
    - Fix CheckSum check
    - Fix Use Poitions
    - Fix Create Poitions
    - Set Item Mix Rate
    - Mix Rates DarkHorse & Price
    - Mix Rates DarkSpirit & Price
    - Potion of Bless and Soul Mix Rate
    - Potion of Soul and Bless Price
    - Dinorant Mix Success Rate
    - Life Stone Mix Success Rate
    - Fix PersonalID
    - Fix PK BUG
    - Fix PartyZen Bug
    - Fix PersonalStore Bug
    - Fix Reload Command Crash
    - Fix M:\ Drive
    - Fix Delete Guild
    - Fix Alliance
    - Fix Error Memory 0x0000
    - Fix Socket Serial
    - Fix Move Items Serial 0
    - Fix Move Jewels Serial 0
    - Fix Sell Items Serial 0
    - Fix Trade Options
    - Fix Shop display info
    - Fix Some Messages Display
    - Fix Monster AI Element
    - Fix Support +13 items
    - Fix Support +28 options

    >> Update 1.3.0 <<
    - Fixed Crash in GameServer
    - Fixed PVP
    - Fixed /post crash GS
    - Added Secure more
    - Fixed SpeedHack Options

    >> Update 1.7.0 <<
    - Added Secure Anti Packets
    - Added Secure Check Packets
    - Added Secure Anti Disconnect Hack
    - Added Secure Dump Check
    - Fixed GM Crash
    - Fixed GM Crash Teleport

    MuServer + Cliente + Source

    Main Editor Tools
    Last edited by MeNoN; 07/08/2020 at 05:45 PM.

  2. The Following 27 Users Say Thank You to djagripnos For This Useful Post:

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