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  1. #1
    Fundador PerfectZone Mentor's Avatar

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    DmN CMS 1.1.8 nulled

    Olá pessoal, um amigo me enviou essa web ontem pelo Skype e pediu para eu compartilhar com a galera, e hoje vim aqui compartilhar a web para todos.
    Segundo ele a web está sem backdoors nem vírus, e está modelos adaptados em 1.1.8

    Fiz um scan e houve duas detecção, mais acredito ser insignificante, de qualquer forma segue o log do VirusTotal:
    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

    Informações da WEB:

    • Fast And Easy Installation
    • Fast Automatic Upgrade System
    • Plugin System (Develope Your Own Modules)
    • Supports Unlimited Amount Of Servers
    • Multilanguage Support
    • Seo Friendly
    • Any Type Of WebServer Support
    • More Than 1000 Configuration Options In Administration Panel
    • Free Setup
    • Active Support / Development

    • News Page
    • Registration Page
    • Lost password page
    • Downloads Page
    • Rankings Page
      • Players Ranking
      • Guilds Ranking
      • Voters Ranking
      • Killers Ranking
      • Gens Ranking
      • Online Ranking
      • BC Ranking
      • DS Ranking
      • CC Ranking
      • Duel Ranking
      • Gens Ranking
      • Online Players List
      • Ban List
      • GM List

    • About Page
      • Info About Server
      • Server Statistics
      • Market Statistics
      • Cry Wolf Info
      • Castle Siege Info

    • Info Page
      • Info About Character
        • Character Stats
        • Character Account Info
        • Character Guild Info
        • View Character Inventory

      • Info About Guild

    • Media Page
    • Guides Page
    • Rules Page

    • Account Panel (Switch between user modules)
    • Account Logs (Every action user did can be found here)
    • Shop Page (Supports every item and option up to Season 12)
    • Shopping Card (Purchase any amount of items at once)
    • Donation Page (10 automatic methods)
      • Paypal
      • Paymentwall
      • 2CheckOut
      • PagSeguro
      • Fortumo
      • PayGol
      • SuperRewards
      • PayCall
      • Interkassa
      • CuentaDigital
      • Can add any other method on request

    • Market Page (Buy / Sell items for Web/Game currency or Jewels, advanced item filter)
    • Market Logs (View currently selling, sold items, restore items fro market)
    • Warehouse Page (Remove trash items, send items to market or web warehouse)
    • Web Warehouse Page (Supports unlimited amount of items to be stored)
    • Refferal System (Very wide configuration)
    • Vip System (Supported by any server files, unlimited vip packages)
    • Reset System (Very wide configuration)
    • GrandReset System (Very wide configuration)
    • Add Stats System
    • Reset Stats System
    • Hide Character Info Page
    • Wcoin Exchange System
    • Warp Character System
    • PK Clear System
    • Clear Inventory System
    • Clear SkillTree System
    • Zen Wallet
    • VoteReward System (7 api support, monthly reward support)
    • Change Class System
    • Change Name System
    • Buy Level System
    • Buy Stats System
    • Buy GM Status System
    • Trade Online Time System
    • Stats Specialization System (Save and load your character stat builds)
    • Account Settings Page (Change passwor, email, recover master key)
    • Ticket / Support System
    • Email Notifications

    • DashBoard WIth Usefull information
    • News Composer
    • Galery Manager
    • Downloads Manager
    • Website Settings Pages (More that 1000 Configuration Options)
    • Logs Pages
    • Server Manager (Accounts, Characters, Server List, IP Tools)
    • Bulk Mailer (Send bulk emails to your players)
    • Shop Manager (Add/Edit/Import Items, Edit Categories, Socket, Ancient, Harmony Options, Edit Warehouse, Web Currencies, Search Items)
    • Support Page (Read/Answer Support Request, Create Support Departments)
    • GM Manager (Add/Remove/Edit GameMasters, Set GM Announcement)
    • VoteReward Manager (Add/Edit/Remove Voting Links)
    • Guides Manager(Add/Edit/Remove Guides)

    GM Feature

    • Ban Unban Characters/Accounts
    • Search Tools
    • IP Tools
    • Credits Adder


    Last edited by Mentor; 16/07/2020 at 08:09 PM.
    Perfect Zone Brasil

    Inscreva-se no meu canal clicando [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

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