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  1. #1
    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

    Data de Ingresso
    Dec 2014
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    MuServeR 97D + Custom Items For ScenarioMu

    [Beta 25 Changelog]
    CheckSum crash - Fixed
    Little corrections over the EventManager

    [Beta 24 Changelog]
    Critical bug fix

    [Beta 23 Changelog]
    Anti bad symbols in character name - Added - Hot!
    Unique map system (pk free, non-pvp maps) - Added - Unique!
    Allow/Disallow pvp in sky event option - Added
    Little corrections in quest system

    [Beta 22.2]
    Some little corrections

    [Beta 22 Changelog]
    GM Login notice - Added
    [Move System] Required resets to move - Added - Hot!
    [Move System] Required grand resets to move - Added - Hot!
    F.O Items support in drop system - Added
    F.O Items support in Quest reward - Added
    F.O Items support in Sky Event Reward - Added
    Sky Event Respawn - Fixed
    Sky Event Min players option - Added
    Sky Event credits reward - Added
    Quest System Exp & Levels reward - Fixed
    All other reported bugs - Fixed

    [Beta 21 Changelog]
    New Commands: /skin, /gg, /banpost, /unbanpost, /banchar, /unbanchar, /reload, /evo & /grandreset

    Brand new Quest System (with 15 new quests) - Hot!
    New sql connection
    Unique drop system - Hot!
    Updated Event Manager
    Sky Event - (Download the new client) - Hot!
    GM System - Hot!
    New Move System (game masters should use /gmove name map coords) - Hot!
    Blood Castle Ranking
    Golden Archer
    Auto bugged stats fix on login
    Trade System
    Anti Disconnect Hack - Hot!
    Anti Vault Dupe - Hot!
    Anti Guild Crash - Hot!
    PvP / NoN PvP Support - Hot!

    [Client Updates]
    1. With this client you can start the game directly from main.exe
    2. Added a cell in Icarus for Sky Event

    - :: Custom Commands :: -
    /post, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /pkclear, /reset, /grandreset, /marry, /acceptmarry, /tracemarry, /marrystatus, /divorce, /getmarry,
    /time, /exit, /buy, /sell, /online, /clearinventory, /moveall, /vault, /questinfo, /skin, /gg, /drop, /banchar, /unbanchar, /banpost, /unbanpost, /reload, /evo,

    - :: Custom Events :: -
    Happy Hour
    Party Exp Bonus
    Sky Event

    - :: Other Customs :: -
    Custom Item Drop System
    Game Master System
    News System
    Unique Quest System
    Move System
    Trade System
    Event Manager
    Golden Archer
    Blood Castle Ranking
    Auto Bugged Stats fix on Login
    Map System

    - :: Security :: -
    Anti Disconnect Hack
    Anti Guild Crash
    Anti Vault Dupe
    Anti Bad Symbols in Character Name
    Anti Guild Notice Inject - New!
    Anti NPC Trade Crash - New!
    Anti Trade Hack - New!



    Last edited by MeNoN; 21/07/2020 at 03:23 AM.

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