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    Fundador PerfectZone Mentor's Avatar

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    FULL Package zTeam Season6.3 by NaM4

    Bom pessoal essa source é uma source da zteam season6.3 que é a mesma desse [Somente membros podem ver os links. ] na qual o Nam4 vinha trabalhando e que decidido liberá-la para nós.

    O Pacote contém:
    1. zClient
    2. zDataServer
    3. zGameServer

    Todos trabalhando em total sincronia, portanto, utilizem os 3 juntos caso queiram.

    O Changelog desta source segue abaixo:
    18/06/2014 - Released
    -Fix Doppelganger [GS]
    24/06/2014 - Released
    -Fix SD & AG Boost (Item Period) [GS]
    -Fix Summon Monster ELF [GS]
    30/06/2014 - Released
    -Fix New Wings Mix Fail [GS]
    -Added 4thWings Mix File Config [GS]/[DATA/CUSTOM/CustomWing.cfg]
    13/07/2014 - Released
    -Added Balance System PVP [GS]/[DATA/CUSTOM/BalanceSystem.ini]
    -Added Item Option Attack Fenrir [GS]/[DATA/CUSTOM/ItemOption.ini]
    -Fixed Character Create (AntiHack) [GS]
    -Fixed Summoner Create Character Card [GS]
    -Fixed Priest Devin Transparency [GS]
    -Rewrite Doppelganger Error [GS]
    -Rewrite Elf Summon Error [GS]
    -Fixed Drop Zen 0 (zero) [GS]
    -Added new Sphere Item [GS]/[Data/Local/Eng/Item_eng.bmd]/[Item.txt]/[Commonserver.cfg]
    -Added New Summoner Set (Queen) [GS]/[Data/Local/Eng/Item_eng.bmd]/[Item.txt]
    -Fixed DL Pet Leveling [GS]/[QUERY]
    -Added LuckyItem In Trade [CommonServer.cfg]
    -Added Windows 2003 Support [GS]
    -Fixed Rage Fighter Create Character Card [GS]/[DATASERVER]/[QUERY]
    25/07/2014 - Released
    -Fixed RF Create Character Card [GS]/[DATASERVER]
    -Fixed ItemToolTip QueenSet [DATA/LOCAL/(LANG)/ItemToolTip.bmd
    -Fixed Mail System [GS]
    -Fixed Illusion Temple [GS]
    -Fixed DarkSide Skill Rewrite Full Func [GS]
    -Fixed Illusion Temple Ranking [QUERY]
    -Fixed Lucky Coin Register [QUERY] / [commonserver.cfg]
    -Fixed ImperialGuardian Ranking [QUERY]
    -Fixed Doppelganger Ranking [QUERY]
    30/07/2014 - Released
    -New Wings Effect [zClient]
    -ServerTime Added [zClient]/[DATA/CUSTOM/INTERFACE/TimeBoard.ozt
    -Fix Golden Tantalos & Golden Lizard [GS]
    -Fix Mercenary Guild Quest [DATA/Quest_Ep20.lua] (nao funciona o resto, precisa programar)
    -Fix Illusion Temple File [DATA/EVENT/IllusionTemple.dat]/[TTLCI.dll]
    -Fixed Kundun Monster Drop Item (Config File Added) [Commonserver.cfg]
    -Added Gold Channel Ticket [GS]/[QUERY]/[zDataServer]
    -Added Vip System like Original GMO [GS]/[zGameServer/Serverinfo.dat]
    -Fixed Mini-Wings [GS]
    -Added Relogin System [GS]/[zClient]
    31/07/2014 - Released
    -Removed Gold Channel Ticket [GS]/[zDataServer]
    -Encoder Added
    -zClient Fix
    08/08/2014 - Released
    -Fixed /makeitembyname GS Crash [GS]
    -Fixed Time [GS]/[Time.ozt]/[zClient.dll]
    -Fixed Item Name (ancient and socket) [TTLCI.DLL]/[zClient.dll]
    -Remove LuckyItemTrade [GS]/[Commonserver.cfg]
    -Fixed Create RF & Sum Level [GS]
    -Fixed Pet Absorve Damage Percent [GS]
    -Fixed Mercenary Guild Quest [GS]/[Lua] (thx webmonkey)
    -Added MixOption System [GS]/[Data/Custom/MixOption.txt]
    -Fixed Wing Mix Success Rate [GS]/[MixOption.txt]
    -Main Server & Local Time Change [zClient.dll]
    -Fixed Period Item Time [GS]
    16/08/2014 - Released
    -Fixed Offtrade [GS]/[Custom/Offtrade.txt]/[zClient.dll] (thx very much webmonkey)
    -Fixed Berseker skill complete [GS] (thx webmonkey)
    -Added Soul in Offtrade [GS]
    -Added wCoin in Offtrade [GS]
    -Fixed Offtrade (added Delay) [GS]
    26/08/2014 - Released
    -Fixed Offline Trade GS CRASH [GS]
    -Offtrade fully completed "like" GMO [GS]
    -Added ItemLuckDropPer Config [GS]/[Commonserver.cfg]
    -Fixed Imperial Guardian TRAPS [GS]
    -Fixed Imperial Guardian Message if no Party [GS]
    19/09/2014 - Released
    -Fixed Account max leght 10 [GS]
    -Added Config for Gold Channel [GS]/[Serverinfo.dat]/[VipSystemFolder]/[zDataServer]
    -Added Config for AutoReconnect [GS]/[Custom/AutoReconnect.ini]
    06/10/2014 - Released
    -Added Auto Start MuHelper [GS]/[AutoReconnect.ini]
    -Fixed GameShop Max Package [GS]
    -Added Bless,Chaos,Life,Creation in Offtrade [GS]/[Custom/Offtrade.txt]
    -Added Discount Tax for wCoin method in offtrade [GS]/[Custom/Offtrade.txt]
    -Added MuHelper Min Level Use [GS]/[zClient.dll]/[Commonserver.cfg]
    -Fixed Kriss selling in shop cause client crash [zClient.dll]
    -Added Custom Vip System in Same Server [GS]/[zDS]/[VipSystem/CustomVipSystem.ini]
    -Fixed Vip Type Item Buy [GS]
    -Fixed Tab key in login screen [zClient.dll] (thx Positive)
    -Changed Items to Mix lvl4 Wings [GS]/[zClient]/[Data/Custom/Item]/[mix.bmd]

    IMPORTANTE: o servidor trabalha com alguns itens customizados como por exemplo as novas wings... para que você tenha a ultima atualização do client, pegue no topico oficial onde postava os updates, ou seimplesmente, refaça você mesmo o mix.bmd baseado na source =)

    IMPORTANTE: O sistema vip não foi implementado com 100% de eficacia, portanto use por sua conta e risco. Todos os metodos que envolvem o sistema vip, está comentado como "VIP SYSTEM" sem aspas, dessa forma, caso você queira desabilitar este sistema vip, basta procurar todos os comentarios VIP SYSTEM e comentar as linhas que estao entre o bloco de inicio e fim do VIP SYSTEM. (claro isso também deve ser feito no dataserver e também no main).

    Link Download:
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    Perfect Zone Brasil

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