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    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

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    Source + server + client season 6 emerson release update 25


    ChangeLog MuEMU by Emershow
    Version: 1.04e - Season 6

    -> (UPDATE 1)
    - Add CustomMove
    - Add Rei do MU Event
    - Fix CustomJewel in Main
    - Active MHP
    - Add HpBonus System
    - Add Kill Message System
    - Add MessageBox Yes/No on Close Gameserver
    - Add MasterSkillTree Reset
    - Add Main Memory reduction
    - Add Guard CustomMessage
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingDevilSquare
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingBloodCastle
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingChaos Castle
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingIllusionTemple
    - Add Colunn WinScore_semanal in RankingDuel
    - Add in DataServer update semanal colls
    - Add BotBuffer System
    - Add SD/HD bar in Character
    - Add Command Clear Inventory
    - Active Encrypt in Client/Server
    - Fix Friend Message Title Inject (DataServer)
    - Add OpenWare Command
    - Add SetVip Command
    - Add Marry System
    - Change HP/SD Bar Interface
    - Fix BotBuffer Power
    - Fix Store Dupe
    - Fix Duel MinLevel
    - Add Reload Command
    - Add Reward Command
    - Add ChangeClass Command
    - Add OnlineLottery Event
    - Add Disconnect User in GameServer Menu
    - Add Start OnlineLoterry GameServer Menu
    - Add OffStore and OffAttack count in GameServer Title Bar

    -> (UPDATE 2)
    - Add Info Command
    - Add Change Name Command
    - Add BanAcc Command
    - Add BanChar Command
    - Add DynamicEffect in Main
    - Add Max Use Time in Attack command
    - Add Option to disable Online User/GM Message
    - Add Event Hide and Seek
    - Add Event Run and Catch
    - Add option to disable exp message on kill mob
    - Change MaxCustom Wings to 100
    - Fix Money remove when use ResetTable system.
    - Fix Socket jewel aplly in no socket item
    - Fix CustomEffect problems in Main.dll
    - Fix remove BC,DS,IT invite
    - Fix Skill elf on /attack
    - Fix Clear Effects on change class
    - Fix /store bless Crash
    - Add Custom Summon on Kill Mob
    - Evento Veloz
    - /openevent /join
    - Disable/Enable Skill Effect (Ex: Cyclone)
    - Add Custom exp on Offattack and Autoreset

    -> (UPDATE 3)
    - Add MakeSet Command
    - Add Drop Command
    - Option to Remove Offstore/offattack in OnlineLottery
    - Jewel of socket Aply in pentagram (Season8)
    - ADD gift command
    - Add Custom Quest System
    - Add Russian Roulette Event
    - Add Max Use Time in Store command
    - New King of Mu Event
    - Add Reward Coins in BC,DS,CC
    - add /toprr /topmr etc
    - Somente gm fazer o casamento
    - Disable Wing Mix Class

    -> (UPDATE 4)
    - Remove Class in Main (RF,SU,DL)
    - Custom Auto Quiz Event
    - Need ticket to change name Option
    - Custom WingMix (Chaos Mix)
    - Custom Death Message
    - Custom Npc Collector (trade items per Coins)
    - Readd point command
    - Advanced Make itens (/make, /drop, /makeset)
    - Custom Rank User System
    - Disable HP Bar of Monster or User Option
    - Updated JoinServer to fix dupes
    - Allow Pk enter in events (BC,CC,DS)

    -> (UPDATE 5)
    - New Gamserver Interface
    - Message Box on Close JS, DS
    - Option TimeToEnter in new events
    - Add Delay Option in Custtom Attack
    - Add Delay to Use Potions in Custom Attack
    - Add Auto buff em Custom Attack
    - Attack command disable when set /attack again
    - Add Custom Attack per Map
    - Add Custom attack skill
    - Add Auto Pick command
    - PK Item Drop System
    - On login disconnect online account
    - Fix when kill Kundun in k6 move to k7

    -> (UPDATE 6)
    - Show time to start events in GS
    - Start Blood Castle Option in GS menu
    - Start Devil Square Option in GS menu
    - Start Chaos Castle Option in GS menu
    - Start Illusion Temple Option in GS menu
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingBloodCastle
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingDevildSquare
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingChaosCastle
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingIllusion Temple
    - Combo skills for all class
    - Enable Cs Skills in All Maps
    - Add shop to buy vip
    - Custom ranking in game
    - New command /remaster
    - New command /ajuda (help)
    - New command /startbc (help)
    - New command /startds (help)
    - New command /startcc (help)
    - New command /startit (help)
    - Released 10 custom maps
    - Released 10 custom bows/crossbows
    - Disable Reflect Effect
    - Auto reward run and catch event
    - Auto reward hide and seek event
    - Auto reward russian roulette event
    - Auto reward quickly event
    - Auto reward Online Lottery event
    - Fix Set item drop in event item bag
    - Fix Put Custom Wings in Chaos Machine
    - Fix RF Skill Client Crash

    -> (UPDATE 7)
    - Print screen with logo
    - RankUser by MasterReset or Reset
    - Command/description system
    - New Command.txt system
    - Require coins to use commands
    - New Command disablePVP
    - New Command Lock/Unlock
    - Fix Active MuHelper + CustomAttack at same time
    - Fix duel level message
    - Fix dead gates of custom mapas
    - Fix Start Events crash
    - Improvements events times
    - /pick best performace
    - Fix Open Multi-game lag

    -> (UPDATE 8)
    - New Command MoveAll
    - New Command MoveGuild
    - Event Time Window
    - Commands Window
    - New PvP Event (x1)
    - New Event KillAll
    - New Custom Menu
    - BuyVip - Add vip types qtd
    - Add triple shot skill in /attack
    - Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp
    - Update in events time in GS

    -> (UPDATE 9)
    - Common Shop with Socket/Ancient Options
    - Advanced ZenDrop System
    - New Command /SetCoin
    - New Command /Pack jewel
    - New Command /spot
    - New Command /startquiz
    - New Command /startdrop
    - New Command /startking
    - New Command /startvt
    - Custom Sell/Buy Value in Common Shop
    - Bloc word in change name
    - Add MasterReset required in CustomMove
    - Add New Dl/Elf Skills in /Attack
    - CustomCombo improvements
    - New Team vs team Event
    - Removed RankUser in Chaos Castle
    - Removed disabled events in EventTime
    - Fix Kriss lag
    - Fix RankUser Reward
    - Fix HpBonus Descrease life
    - Fix Reload Event time

    -> (UPDATE 10)
    - Add Fog effect
    - Add Smoke effect
    - Custom disable effects
    - New MiniMap
    - Fix Kalima + OffPvp
    - Fix CommandDescription with %
    - Fix Store with time
    - Fix visual skills in attack
    - Fix Repair All in BlackSmith
    - Fix DarkSpirit in Offpvp

    -> (UPDATE 11)
    - Add infinity arrow auto buff
    - Add /attack auto resume
    - Add Tvt Event Min/Max Users
    - Add command notice if need coin to use
    - Add Expire Date/Message in /banacc command
    - Add Expire Date/Message in /banchar command
    - Add auto remove ban
    - Disable MiniMap with TAB
    - Guild Warehouse
    - Custom Monster/NPC
    - Custom NPC name
    - Custom Shops with same NPC
    - Fix trade events with /re off
    - Fix full zen bug trade+command
    - Fix Gameserver maximize layout
    - Fix PvP Event Respaw

    -> (UPDATE 12)
    - Custom NPC move
    - CustomCommandInfo (v2)
    - Custom RankUser OverHead
    - Custom Party Icon
    - Trade Value
    - Party Disable PK
    - New Anti SpeedHack Skill System
    - Update TvtEvent new requistes
    - Add Auto Heal Skill in /Attack
    - Add Global Password System
    - Option to show Rankuser in all places
    - Option to Hide Reset in Rankuser
    - Option to Hide MReset in Rankuser
    - Option to Change MReset name in Rankuser
    - Disable Party HpBar option
    - Increase CustomShops to 100
    - Fixes in custom buy vip windows

    -> (UPDATE 13)
    - GS and GSCS new interface
    - MasterReset remove fixed resets
    - Command Start Invasion
    - Command Start Custom Arena
    - Custom Quest Command (v2)
    - Custom EventTime (v2)
    - Custom Npc Quest
    - Custom Npc Name up to 100
    - Custom Pick (v2)
    - Add Custom Pick Excelent
    - Add Custom Pick Socket
    - Add Custom Pick SetItem
    - Enable Lucky item trade
    - Disable Duel Restore HP
    - Disable Duel Restore SD
    - Require Reset/MResets to enter in room
    - Add Reset/MasterReset Requisite on Create Character
    - Fixes in MapServerMove
    - Other Minor Fixes

    -> (UPDATE 14)
    - Add Custom RF Gloves
    - Add Custom Interface
    - Speed SkillHack auto bloc character
    - Add PK disable shop option
    - Add PK disable trade option
    - Add SummonMonsterRate in CustomMonster.txt
    - Add ShowPing in game option
    - Add ShowFps in game option
    - Stop Auto Reset when vip is over
    - Fix auto move from Icarus if dinorant/fenrir died
    - Fix DL Summon Party Skill (PK)
    - Fix Pk Item drop to PkLevel 3 only
    - Fix BuyVip + CustomStore
    - Fix Reset remove zen
    - Fix OffPvp command in Events
    - Fix in Disconnect Accounts
    - Fix Npc Quest Add Buff

    -> (UPDATE 15)
    - Add Duel MaxScore Option
    - Add CustomMove to CustomNpcCommand
    - Add Pk Drop Item by map Option
    - Add Berserker Buff in Custom Attack (SUM)
    - Auto Reward Online Users System
    - Auto Party buff Mana shield in Custom Attack
    - Add Custom Mix
    - Skill Summon enable PK Move Option
    - MapManager.txt updated
    - Guild Assistant/Battle Master can get Cs Crown
    - Fix Master Reset check in Custom Move

    -> (UPDATE 16)
    - Client Error logs moved to Logs folder
    - Add Custom Bow/Crossbow (V2)
    - Custom Pet System
    - Disable Move List (M) Option
    - Disable Set +15 Effect Option
    - Increased Set items limite to 255
    - Increased Custom Bow limit to 100
    - Increased Custom Effects to 5000
    - Increased Custom NpcName to 200
    - Fix mini wing preview
    - Fix Custom Store close button

    -> (UPDATE 17)
    - Add Option CS Reset Accumulated Time when die
    - Command OffPvP by Map
    - Command Helper by Map
    - Custom Advanced Status
    - Custom Increase FPS
    - Fix Custom Interface + Crywolf Score
    - Fix Custom Interface + Cs Minimap
    - Fix Custom Interface Dark heaven skill position
    - Fix Custom Item inventory turn on mouse over
    - Fix mob movement when it is dying
    - Fix Ring Starter increase damage and speed attack
    - Fix Custom Pet Fly Icarus/Tarkan
    - Fix ChaosMachine+Expansion Invent problem
    - Increase GameServer performance

    -> (UPDATE 18)
    - Auto Disable Custtom Attack Command when vip is over
    - Auto Disable Custtom Pick Command when vip is over
    - Auto Disable Auto Add Command when vip is over
    - Auto Disable OffPvp Command when vips is over
    - Allow Mu Helper + Inventory Option
    - Add Command Set PK
    - Custom Pet increased to 100
    - Disable CashShop Option (X)
    - Disable Command Window (D) Option
    - Disable FullMap (Tab) Option
    - Increased Custom Monster performance
    - Increased Death Stab Skill performance
    - Increased MU Helper Max Time
    - Trade By Map option

    -> (UPDATE 19)
    - Custom Cloak
    - Custom Disable Systems

    -> (UPDATE 20)
    - Change Character Delete level option
    - Increase max invasion to 50
    - Custom Font System
    - Server Time
    - Message.txt multi-language
    - Fix chat in russian language
    - Fix Item 0,41 repair
    - Fix PrintScreen in 1366x768 resolution
    - Remove MuError.log option

    -> (UPDATE 21)
    - Add 9 New Maps Slots (Total 18)
    - Increase Max Custom Monsters to 200
    - Changed ExpBar in the interface Season 2/8
    - New Custom Interfaces
    - Reduce Memory use (v2)
    - Fix Marlon Auto move
    - Fix Cashshop button with Season 2 interface
    - Fix DisableSkillEffect client crashs
    - [AntiDupe] New System antidupe to show in log the dupes
    - [AntiDupe] Disabled Helper Config window click when use the Chaos maxhine
    - [AntiDupe] Disabled CashShop open when have a item in the Chaos
    - [AntiDupe] Check Dupes when move item in the Warehouse and inventory
    - [AntiDupe] Check Dupes when logout chacter

    + New Downgrade Options
    - New Inventory + Character Status
    - Esc Menu no Window
    - Events without master level BC
    - Events without master level DS
    - Events without master level CC
    - Disable 380 mix in the CM
    - Disable Battle Zone in the Move M
    - Golden Dragon in the sky
    - Marlon (Npc Quest) Auto Teleport
    - Disable mouse click effect for downgrade
    - Disable Socket Text in inventory
    - Disable Set Item Text in inventory

    -> (UPDATE 22)
    - Add AntiFlood System
    - Add Dragon Sky Switch ON/OFF
    - Select character animations option
    - Select server change room names
    - Custom Summon Scroll sytem
    - Elf Buffer Show Quest Window Option
    - Fix stop Sky dragon when invasion ends
    - Fix Excellent items glow
    - Fix Dark Horse look around
    - Fix Custom Monster HP Bar
    - Fix DragonSky in the GSCS
    - Fix new Dupe Type
    - Fix Move from icarus if no use a wing or pet

    -> (UPDATE 23)
    - Add Change Item power system (Dmg, Def)
    - Increased max CustomJewel to 50
    - New GS Interface
    - Fix Master skill issues
    - Fix Client Crashs when use panda ring in Kanturu
    - Fix Show +Skill in the drop name
    - Announce Chaos Mix (v2)

    -> (UPDATE 24)
    - Custom Pet increased to 512
    - Disable Set +15 Effect Option (v2)
    - New Monster hp bar type
    - New Player hp/sd bar type
    - Change ImgsMapName to Interface folder
    - Organization of Custom folder
    - Fix Bless use in Item 0,41
    - Fix Trade delay
    - Fix Trade Zen Limit
    - Fix Store Zen Limit
    - Fix Warehouse Zen Limit
    - Fix icon in Main Window
    - Add CustomArenaNpc
    - Add BlockPkMove option in gates
    - Add BuffIconType option
    - Add Custom Login Message
    - Add item requeriment to CustomNpcMove
    - Alarm time and trumpet sound to InvasionManager

    + New Upgrade and Downgrade Options
    - Removed Menu and Credit button in Select Server
    - Add New type to CustomInterfaceHelperBar
    - Guild Master button organization
    - Fix Skill tooltip position
    - Fix Slide help position
    - Disable FastMenu key (U)
    - Cinematic black bar size
    - Custom Blood Castle
    - Custom Devil Square

    -> (UPDATE 25)
    - Max Plugin increased to 5
    - CastleSiegeGetCrownTime option
    - SeniorMix unlimited option
    - Speed SkillHack blockdays option
    - Fix CastleSiegeDamageRate
    - Fix ReAdd command

    Denis Alves

  2. The Following 71 Users Say Thank You to djagripnos For This Useful Post:

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    Membro robsonsoares's Avatar
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    tem uns bugzinhos

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    Membro lobinhopk's Avatar
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    Citação Originally Posted by robsonsoares Ver Post
    tem uns bugzinhos
    qual é os bug q ta tendo?

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    Membro robsonsoares's Avatar
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    primeiro q eu ja vi de cara foi bug da capa passando no mapa sozinha

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    Iniciante nelsinhohj's Avatar
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    O main info nao e o mesmo da versao postada , copilei tudo bunitinho mais na hora de ligar o cliente ele carrega e fecha
    Admin MUBLACK

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    Membro robsonsoares's Avatar
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    tem que compilar o Get Main Info - 2021 para usar ele

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    Iniciante wasj5299's Avatar
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    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ][Somente membros podem ver os links. ]Como configurar 936 no cliente para suportar chinês
    Last edited by wasj5299; 23/05/2021 at 10:21 AM.

  9. #8
    Iniciante texugo0047's Avatar
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    Como mudo o jogo para Português pt-br ? Alguns pets aparece sem nome para mim

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    Ahh segue o editor compilado para quem não conseguiu:

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  10. #9
    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

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    1. Bugs is not working skills Fenrir y from custonpet

  11. #10
    Iniciante texugo0047's Avatar
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    Achei mais um Bug, a asa dentro do blood castle está bugada, tem alguma correção ?

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