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    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

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    phpSound v4.2.0 – Music Sharing Platform

    4.2.0 - 23 July 2018
    Improved the account registration system
    Other minor improvements
    4.1.0 - 22 July 2018
    Added seeking animation for loading tracks
    Other minor improvements
    4.0.0 - 21 July 2018
    Reworked the Welcome landing page
    Added Newsletter system
    Added Email Verification (account activation) option in the Admin Panel
    Added SMTP Secure option in the Admin Panel
    Added the ability to create playlist on multi-track upload
    Added the ability to play tracks from the Welcome page
    Added the position number for each track under "Most Popular" and "Most Liked" sections
    Updated the Amazon SDK to the latest version
    Updated PHPMailer to the latest version
    Updated the jQuery library to the latest version
    Changed the way Popular tracks are being calculated for the Welcome page (last 7 days)
    Changed the "Most Popular" and "Most Liked" filters to display the Top 50 tracks
    Improved the themes system (favicons are now theme dependent)
    Other minor improvements
    3.3.0 - 15 April 2018
    Improved support for PHP 7.2+
    3.2.0 - 6 April 2018
    Improved the way sessions are saved
    3.1.0 - 4 April 2018
    Improved support for the latest MySQL stable version
    Fixed the Delete Account from User's Settings not working
    Other minor improvements
    3.0.0 - 5 February 2018
    Reworked the Registration/Log-in process (improved security, persistent login)
    Added support for Emojis support for Chats and Comments
    Added limitation to how many people a user can follow
    Updated the Amazon SDK to the latest version
    Updated PHPMailer to the latest version
    Updated the jQuery library to the latest version
    Updated the Timeago jQuery plugin to the latest version
    Improved Database speed
    Improved support for MySQL strict mode
    Improved the way cookies are managed
    Fixed the PayPal IPN endpoints not working
    Other minor improvements
    2.0.8 - 12 October 2017
    Fixed a rare case where emebdded code would miss a slash
    2.0.7 - 28 September 2017
    Improved the translation (single quotes can now be used for the Timeago strings)
    Other minor improvements
    2.0.6 - 13 September 2017
    Fixed player buttons not being aligned on Safari
    2.0.5 - 9 September 2017
    Fixed an issue where tracks wouldn't play if the extension name was uppercased
    2.0.4 - 29 August 2017
    Improved security
    2.0.3 - 16 August 2017
    Improved security
    Fixed an issue with Amazon S3 hosted tracks not playing when having special characters in name
    2.0.2 - 27 July 2017
    Improved download functionality for Amazon S3 hosted tracks
    2.0.1 - 19 July 2017
    Improved security
    Fixed Download links for Tracks hosted on Amazon S3 not working
    2.0.0 - 10 July 2017
    Reworked the timestamps (added support for singular and plural nouns)
    Added Amazon S3 Storage Integration for tracks
    Improved the mime detection (better support for iTunes tracks)
    Improved the site translation (the platform is now 100% translated)
    Improved support for PHP 7.1+ versions
    Improved character encoding support
    Improved the Themes and Languages listing in the Admin Panel
    Fixed an issue with the volume not being saved when 100%
    Fixed an issue with the custom timezone settings not being applied everywhere
    1.3.4 - 31 March 2017
    Updated the Facebook API requests to reflect the new API changes
    1.3.3 - 9 March 2017
    Added Shuffle option for tracks from Playlists
    Added dynamic custom Info Pages (Admin Panel)
    Added the ability to change the timezone (Admin Panel)
    Added the ability to change the default language (Admin Panel)
    Improved the language system
    Other minor improvements
    1.3.2 - 9 February 2017
    Added Account Deletion option (users can now delete their own account)
    Improved the user deletion function in Admin Panel (tracks and arts are permanently deleted)
    Updated the jQuery library to the latest stable version
    Other minor improvements
    1.3.1 - 4 January 2017
    Updated the PHPMailer to 5.2.21 (security fix)
    1.3.0 - 20 December 2016
    Fixed the stats filter for tracks not working when permalinks are enabled
    Fixed special characters not being displayed correctly on the player bar
    1.2.9 - 12 November 2016
    Reworked the dynamic page load system
    Added Rewritten URLs for the entire User Area (Stream, Explore, Profiles, etc)
    Improved site speed by caching all the uploaded images for longer periods
    Other minor improvements
    1.2.8 - 14 October 2016
    Added support for servers running MySQL in STRICT mode
    Improved HTTPS support (Google fonts will now load via a secured source)
    Improved the @mentions, [Somente membros podem ver os links. ] s and URL parsing system
    Improved the translation
    Other minor improvements
    1.2.7 - 12 July 2016
    Added special characters support for the DMCA reports
    Added CSS classes to allow styling chat message containers based on authors
    Added title tooltips for Like, Add and Share buttons
    Fixed the captcha image not refreshing on Firefox and Edge browsers
    Fixed the play count adding extra counts when pausing/playing
    Fixed the tags field allowing empty tags in a rare case
    Fixed the Liked Tracks pagination failing to load new pages in a rare case
    Other minor improvements
    1.2.6 - 18 May 2016
    Improved security
    Fixed the @mentions urls in comments not loading dynamically
    Fixed the Connect Modal showing both Login and Register tabs in special cases
    Other minor improvements
    1.2.5 - 17 April 2016
    Added multi-file upload (you can now upload an entire album at once)
    Added client side upload verification (faster errors without uploading files)
    Updated the embedded player to count plays at the start of a song
    Improved the English translation
    Fixed the visual notifications for new users not being ON by default
    Fixed the Popular section on Welcome page showing private tracks
    Fixed the track being saved when an error occured during artwork validation
    Fixed the track artwork being saved when an error occured during track validation
    Fixed the track artwork not showing when being shared on Facebook
    Other minor improvements
    1.2.4 - 25 March 2016
    Reworked the General, Users and Social settings pages from the Admin Panel
    Added Upload Progress bar
    Added SMTP integration
    Added "Blocked Users" page in Users Settings which shows all the blocked users
    Added "Likes" and "Playlists" buttons for quick access in the drop-down menu
    Changed the way plays are counted (now they are counted at the start of a song)
    Improved the English language
    Fixed the Popular and Liked Music filters showing private tracks
    Other minor improvements
    1.2.3 - 8 February 2016
    Reworked the player (both the interface and the functionality)
    Added player controls support on mobile devices (next, prev, auto-play, etc)
    Added infinite scroll functionality for comments
    Added new CSS classes to the sidebar filters, song authors and friends list
    Added the ability to display the site categories (tags) on the welcome page
    Added the ability to display up to 20 popular tracks on the welcome page
    Added the ability to display the latest tracks (up to 20) on the welcome page
    Improved the player (up to 100% faster initialization when changing tracks)
    Improved the way the volume is saved (now uses localStorage instead of cookies)
    Improved the English translation
    Fixed an issue where a double tap would be required to play tracks on mobile
    Fixed the plays counter not counting on embedded tracks after the last update
    Fixed an issue with the sub-pages of non-existing tracks being accessible
    Other minor improvements
    1.2.2 - 25 January 2016
    Improved the search input behaviour
    Fixed the upload and edit forms not submitting after the last update
    Fixed the plays counter not counting after the last update
    1.2.1 - 23 January 2016
    Added keyboard controls: Space (play/pause), [R]epeat, [M]ute, > (next), < (prev)
    Added infinite scrolling when hitting the end of the page on Desktop browsers
    Added automatic new tracks load when on last track on the page
    Added Facebook profile image fetch when registering trough facebook
    Added current password confirmation requirement when changing a password
    Added password repeat confirmation requirement when changing a password
    Added security protection against CSRF attacks
    Added "View Comment" button for the reported comments in the Admin Panel
    Added visual highlight for comments when viewed from the Admin Panel
    Improved the search results on Enter keypress (now it loads dynamically)
    Improved the user deletion message (now shows the username instead of the id)
    Improved the English translation
    Changed the default search filter to Tracks instead of People
    Changed the minimum password length from 3 to 6 characters
    Fixed an issue with the emulated Payment appearing as being a Monthly plan
    1.2.0 - 4 January 2016
    Added an icon on the top bar which indicates when logged-in as Admin
    Improved the Live Search (now excludes private and suspended tracks)
    Improved the User Deletion function (likes counter of liked tracks is now updated)
    Improved the Image and Cover upload functions (old images are now deleted)
    Improved the Track Art edit function (old image is now deleted)
    Improved the English translation
    1.1.9 - 11 December 2015
    Added "Promote" option to promote an account to Pro Status in the Admin Panel
    Added "Restore" option to the suspended tracks in the Admin Panel
    Added track tag characters length limitation
    1.1.8 - 4 December 2015
    Fixed an issue with Popular and Liked Music Pages showing tracks duplicated
    Improved the listing player (now it updates when you load up new tracks)
    1.1.7 - 26 November 2015
    Added track artwork of the current playing song to the top bar player
    Improved the listing player (now it updates when you navigate on another page)
    1.1.6 - 15 November 2015
    Added Facebook Open Graph image tag (helps selecting the correct image when sharing)
    Added "alt" attribute on track artwork imshrd (improves search engine image results)
    Fixed the connect form not showing up when clicking "Report Copyright Infringement"
    Improved the meta description on track pages
    Improved the English translation
    1.1.5 - 4 October 2015
    Improved the English translation
    Fixed an issue with the Playlist Search not loading up new results
    Removed the favicon from the embeded player
    1.1.4 - 25 September 2015
    Changed the number of [Somente membros podem ver os links. ] displayed for tracks & playlists from 10 to 15
    Fixed the [Somente membros podem ver os links. ] s not being displayed properly when they were numbers
    Fixed the [Somente membros podem ver os links. ] links in comments not being linked properly
    1.1.3 - 1 September 2015
    Improved the English language file
    Fixed the track tags on the "Liked Music" page
    Fixed category name allowing special characters in Admin Panel
    1.1.2 - 28 July 2015
    Updated the Facebook Login to reflect the new Facebook API changes
    1.1.1 - 12 July 2015
    Added "Recommended" tracks on the Track page
    Added "Join Date" of Users in the Admin Panel
    Improved the track removal functionality from playlists
    Fixed the page load of "Liked Music" and "Popular Music" filters
    1.1.0 - 23 April 2015
    Added a new Explore filter: Liked music
    Added title tooltips for the top player
    Improved the upload validation process (text inputs are now validated first)
    Improved the profile links within the Admin Panel (now link to the Manage Users)
    Improved the translation
    Updated the Documentation (Developers section)
    Other minor improvements
    1.0.9 - 2 April 2015
    Improved the comments mouse hover spacing
    Improved the Admin page title
    Other minor improvements
    1.0.8 - 15 March 2015
    Added anchor link to the current played track title on the top player
    Fixed the profile description being removed after profile image was updated
    Fixed the profile links in the chat message not being loaded dynamically
    Other minor improvements
    1.0.7 - 23 February 2015
    Added downloads statistics (downloads counter for tracks, who downloaded the most)
    Added IP logging for user registration
    Added Admin option to limit the number of accounts registration allowed per IP
    Added Open Sans font site-wide
    Improved the player support for mobile devices
    Improved the home-page (new animated background and other changes)
    Improved interface elements (counters, statistics)
    Improved the file name detection
    Improved the translation
    Fixed an issue with the base link of the track
    Fixed the themes thumbnails not being correctly linked
    Fixed an issue where invalid usernames profiles would allow html tags
    1.0.6 - 15 November 2014
    Added a minimum required characters for the password field on Password Recovery page
    Fixed an issue where the register email when signing up with Facebook was being sent empty
    Fixed the password successful recover message
    Fixed the playlists names, explore and search page allowing special characters into name
    Fixed an issue with reports wrongfully appearing on Reports tab on users accounts
    Other minor improvements
    1.0.5 - 20 October 2014
    Improved character support for the playlist names and descriptions
    Improved character support for tags on tracks (categories)
    Improved the translation ('Like' string is not used for the CSS class anymore)
    1.0.4 - 14 October 2014
    Added titles for the Explore, Notifications and Search page
    Improved the display of sidebar categories from the Explore page
    Improved the themes listing in the Admin Panel
    Improved the [Somente membros podem ver os links. ] search results
    Improved the translation
    Other minor improvements
    1.0.3 - 8 October 2014
    Added Popular Music filter which will display the trending music in the last 7 days
    Added Stream and Explore menu button highlight (now they appear as active when on page)
    Improved the download function (now it gets the Title name of the track)
    Improved how the category text are being displayed on the tracks
    1.0.2 - 6 October 2014
    Added meta description for Tracks, Playlists, Profiles, Go Pro and Welcome page
    Other minor improvements
    1.0.1 - 4 October 2014
    Improved the dynamic page loading
    Improved Safari compatibility
    Improved the username generator when registering with Facebook
    Fixed a wrong url parameter
    Minor language improvement
    1.0.0 - 3 October 2014
    Initial Release

    [Somente membros podem ver os links. ]

  2. #2
    Iniciante alvaro2712's Avatar
    Data de Ingresso
    Oct 2018
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